
He didn’t go there to help the Sentinelese, he was there for his own selfishness and self-gratification.

I have a Galaxy, but lordy, is kinja mobile a shitshow on it.

It’s tragic that someone can believe that their faith protects them from reality.

Does anyone else with an Android (Pixel, specifically) experience greater and greater trouble (endless progress wheel, freezing) when trying to comment and look at replies? Sometimes to often, and always with The Slot. Is there any hack to fix?

There’s some evidence that even something as simple as the year’s flu can be deadly to populations with limited exposure. There was some research that indicated that in past deadly flu pandemics (such as 1918), survival rates were higher with reduced symptoms for those that carried antibodies that were similar to past

I don’t think it’s overplayed. One of the indigenous tribes I work with fairly regularly was ~90% wiped out by disease after first contact in the 70s, and they were for all intents and purposes more “advanced” than the Sentinelese and theoretically slightly better able to cope (and had far greater numbers to begin

Oh good lord. How about maybe we try living and letting live?

The organization who advocates for the protection of uncontacted peoples (Survival International) have said just that, its very likely the whole island population could be in the midst of facing death from his germs which they have no immunity to. They may dying right now.

This was also his 3rd or 4th attempt on that island. They had previously shot at him.

I went to that Christian Concern website, and no surprise, they’re actively supporting Christians ministers going where they’ve been explicitly told they’re not welcome and then claiming they’re being persecuted when they get there.

My mom said that a bunch of white people were going to go to that island and kill that tribe as retaliation. I told her that was unlikely. Now, I believe I was wrong.

He illegally went to an island KNOWING it was illegal and how that island operates and he could die and did it anyway. Let that be a lesson to anyone else who wants to fuck with people who DO NOT WANT TO BE FUCKED WITH.

I think his remains should be left there. Causing further disturbance to the inhabitants and danger to outsiders who would retrieve him would serve no purpose.

The answer to the problem of recovering his body is simply that they don’t get to do that. Any effort to recover this man’s body will further disturb these people and put them at risk. This man broke the law, and selfishly and stupidly attempted to force his religion on people who do not want it. Sometimes committing

I should add, I don’t think anyone should be trying to retrieve his body.  His family needs to live with the fact that their son died being incredibly stupid, and that putting others in danger (including the very residents of the island) to retrieve the body is selfish.

Just leave him. You don’t get to act like a paternalistic colonizer and then get your body recovered through even more outside contact with a society that clearly wants none. He can rot.

“I felt some fear but mainly was disappointed,” he admitted. “They didn’t accept me right away.”

Yes, Jez! Please, cover people like Jameela Jamil more, and the shitty Insta shills less. Please!

Jameela is correct, your liver is your detox.