
I’ve been friends with people who had different opinions about political or economic issues. A few Republican libertarians and far left of Democrat communists - that can be a fun lively debate. They had their views and I had mine. But I can’t imagine being friends with someone who actively supports the Trump

Easy to ignore the shitty things that shitty friends do if it doesn’t impact you personally.

I don’t want to live in an echo chamber but I don’t want to live with people who don’t respect me or give less than a shit about my rights.

There are a hundred other Goop-a-like businesses, all selling the same mumbo-jumbo vaginal eggs and spooky magic powders.

On the content side we like to move the needle. We like to start discussions…. that people are sometimes surprised by.”

Exactly. Being a celebrity helped launch her brand. Being famous hasn’t hurt her. If that were true, all celebrity companies would perish. They don’t. People buy stuff because of the name. However, peddling snake oil remedies that are at best a waste of money, at worst dangerous has hurt your brand.

And here I thought Goop’s failure to thrive was the fact that it’s hocus-pocus neo-new-wave crunchy-granola hyphenate-everything bullshit.

I’d stop hanging out with family members if they worked for this administration.

It sucks because people know who you are and can call you out on your bullshit, right Gwyneth? And said bullshit has destroyed whatever was left of your acting career, ie appearing for 10 minutes in the next Iron Man movie. 

Wow, his bar for kindness is set pretty low.

I mean if he was friends with Tiffany, who isn’t active in the administration or even a person Donald Trump remembers exists on a regular basis, it might be different. But Ivanka is very active. 

To me, the version with a J looks more like an attempt to sound Norwegian, rather than actually being Norwegian.

I guess no one wants to be around him and it's a way of saying he has a time out.

Policytime or Playtime? Potato - potahto.

All this speculating; is she not evil enough? Is she insufficiently supplicant? No matter, the reason is so clear: She turned 46 this year, and women’s sell-by date in Trumpland is 45. You’re fired!

Ok but WHY is there a ‘j’ in her name? Is it a traditional spelling from somewhere?  It makes zero sense.

He is kicking out everyone doing his bidding because he isn't getting public praise for their doing his bidding, and he is farrrrrrr too stupid to connect the dots as to why.

I chose to think that there can only be one person in gov’t who has an unusual spelling of the name “Kirsten” and now they we have Kyrsten Sinema, Kirstjen Nielsen had to go.

While I look forward to 2020 with some level of hope (especially after some inspiring wins and campaigns during the midterms), I also dread it for a number of reasons. We all know it’s going to be a brutal election cycle that will probably start sometime in mid-2019 whenever the first serious contender on the left

Well written.
TLDR: Trump is a poor person’s idea of what a rich person is, dumb person’s idea of what smart person is, a weak person’s idea of what strong person is.