
Also, Africa is huge. Everytime its mentioned as one place it drives me insane!! You wouldn’t mention they’re going to Asia or Europe without being more specific. I’m pretty sure this is one reason most white americans are so fearful of “africa” because they know nothing about it. 

Well at least we can all agree that they’re both the worst. 

Obama would never have put himself and his staff into a situation like this, where as Trump is willing to drag everyone down around him to his level and turn anything he touches into a circus so he can bask in the spotlight of his runaway ego.

You’d also have to make it so that alt left websites actually created the edited video and then have the Obama PR people take the video as fact. While also ignoring that it wasn’t an assault and that the woman in question got up in his space and reached her hand out while he was gesturing towards the president. Then

If this had happened in the Obama administration the press pass wouldn't have been revoked.  And if it were the video wouldn't have been altered. 

Their argument is “no, we shouldn’t count all the votes or make sure we counted them correctly”. It’s insane. How could anyone support that argument?

Pssst. Rubio. Scott. Spanky. The louder you guys yap about the Florida recount, the more guilty it makes you look. This has been a public service announcement.

Amanda Donaldson, whom she claims violated work protocol by making several unauthorized purchases using Rowling’s funds, amounting to about $31,000 in charges. Rowling is worth about $650 million, how would she even notice this? Why would she care? And what was she paying Donaldson, I wonder.

It’s safe to say JKR’s a bit of a mixed bag, persona- and public-statement-wise. But surely she is allowed to impose consequences on someone who stole from her, and I don’t think “she has so much money, who cares about a measly five figures and a few cats” is a valid argument. IF it happened, it’s a violation of

If they had any balls, they all ask the same questions that got Acostas kicked out.

Why are we letting this administration do these things like they’re normal? I don’t necessarily mean us little people, at least in this situation. The rest of the reporters in that room? Their network bosses? Unions? Someone to take immediate and direct action?

I get wanting natural experiences but I do not believe one’s “body knows what to do”. I also understand that hospitals are a scary place for women and there is a valid fear that medical professionals impose too much on a laboring mother. However, I would far rather have intervention that I might not want if it means

Just like the anti-vax nutjobs, this is even more infuriating because the victims are the most innocent and without choice. Fuck every single one of these Free Birth idiots. And fuck this whole “natural” movement that’s taking us backwards. Yeah, women used to sometimes give birth alone. But a fucking lot of them

this radical work of healing the deepest wounds on this earth

I wish that my three children didn’t require surgical intervention to enter the world. The havoc those C sections have wreaked on my back and abs can’t be overstated.

Home birth can be great for some women, but the fact that this group deletes any advise that counters their beliefs and doesn’t make room for other treatment options makes them a cult, and a very dangerous one at that.

WTF is the point of living in modern times if a person doesn’t avail herself of some of its luxuries, like a freaking pre-natal appointment to a midwife or something? Yet she will chatter on FB about the “primal instinct” that takes over. Guess what? Birthing can be pretty deadly, just look at history. But no, the

Politicians should be like cartons of milk and be labeled “Do not use after (this) date”

I’m team They Both Need to Sit Down, Shut Up and Think Long and Hard About Their Current Life Choices Before Going on TV/Instagram/Twitter and Being Messy as Fuck.