
Hmm, I need to know more about the Great Schism that brought about two competing Welly Throwing associations. A fight over the infallibility of the Welly pontiff? A reform movement rebelling against the Welly orthodoxy? Were families split asunder?

It wasn’t even her actual doctor: it was her *boss* who she went to because she was afraid her deadly form on cancer had come back.

This guy shouldn’t work in the medical field again.

Also, if I were a person who discovered that their wife’s doctor had deliberately dyed her vagina as a joke to me, I would be fucking LIVID. Even without the cancer-survivor aspect, you violated the most intimate part of my spouse’s body without her consent.

“It was a joke for (my husband).”

If a doctor doesn’t lose their medical license for this then what exactly does it take?

What in the fuck.  What in the fucking fuck, man?!?!?!?!

This is my question too. He may think that since they can use a surrogate, they should have as many as he wants without considering that this process still involves a lot of physical and emotional labor on Kim’s part to get that many more embryos. 


It’s perfectly legit for Kim to be worried about her body autonomy, or Kanye’s confusing and probably frightening and misleading effect on their kids.

A husband who cares even a little about his wife won’t harass her to get pregnant if she went through everything Kim K went through. True, some women go through with pregnancy, even when they know it might be horrible and or dangerous, but she doesn’t want to! Respect her no! 


It’s actually pathetic that my first thought was “I’m surprised this is the first time I’m hearing this excuse used.”

We have enough room in our hearts for BOTH Salems!!!!

I’ll say it: it’s rude to speak anything but the lingua franca in public, in any country, outside of obvious tourist areas.

What’s rude is interjecting yourself into the conversation of a group of people eating a meal at a restaurant that has nothing to do with you and making a profane, racist spectacle of yourself. But that's just me.

Actually, the victim is clearly bilingual. One can figure that out by her quotes in the article that you clearly didn’t read. But more importantly, people can speak whatever language they want without any deference to you or the racist asshole in the video. Point is mind your own fucking business and you'll be a

Seems you need to work on your grasp of the English language, since you clearly did not understand the story.

What part of “visiting relatives” is too fucking hard to understand?

That is one of the most insanely stupid comments I’ve seen from a non-grey. You should feel ashamed.

You know what you're not, Mr Pharmacist? A doctor. You are not qualified to determine if a fetus is dead, or decide what drugs someone should or should not take and why. You can warn about contraindications, advise about side effects and similar, but if someone who actually went to medical school says the fetus is