
I know it’s just part of my plot to destroy amurrika, but I think all competitive team sports should be removed from schools. If you want sports, then have your community set up leagues open to all residents.

It’s not so much an indictment of athletics, but the idea that his participating in athletics is somehow an argument against him being a huge asshole.

This article is missing a very important detail:

I fell in love with the Instant Pot because of this lady: https://twosleevers.com. Her Indian recipes are great. Highly recommend the butter chicken.....

It may not take less time to boil eggs in the IP, but the shells practically fall off the egg.

Hi all, how have you been? :)

Hey, enjoy. I hope you picked a nice one. Ignore naysayers.

It’s day three without hot water in my apartment. I took a freezing cold shower and this is me

He did not give me a clear reason for the refusal. He just kept asking, loudly and in front of other CVS staff and customers, why I was given the prescriptions.

Why would you ever EVER need to give a reason why you were prescribed certain medications with a valid prescription?! That is between you and your doctor, period. Isn’t that what HIPPA laws are for??? And then to continue to deny after the doctor personally calls it in. That’s another level of dick right there.

The minstrel show was in the version of the books I read when I was a kid. Even in the 70s that was weird. If you choose to read this version, I recommend following it up with some qual time listening to the fantastically talented Carolina Chocolate Drops or NCs answer to Beyonce Rhianna Giddens. They have taken black

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

“It’s just very British—no one else has got it,” she added.

I’m 33 weeks pregnant, baby’s feet are lodged squarely under my ribs, and all I want to do right now is pop open a bottle of The Bean Pinotage and say a jolly “no need, thanks” when someone offers me a glass for it.

I don’t know if I have been brainwashed from watching the Crown over break last month, but I’m so happy to see the Queen look so happy and like she is having fun. Watching the Crown just makes me think she must be so lonely.

So god-awful boring. And I know on some level, that’s the point. She sets her uniform then what she wears is never the issue up for debate. But I would love it if everyone would just acknowledge how weak sauce that is.

Oh but you missed the best photo - where they are both LAUGHING

Wouldn’t Anna Wintour wish to see the fashions on the runway?

Flamboyant gay man does not equal drag queen. Drag queen does not equal trans woman. You’ve got a hell of a lot to learn.

Can’t be too upset about the reporter not going in to break up the fight. If you’ve ever tried to do that yourself, you know you’re not coming out unscathed, especially if you don’t have a towel or something at hand.