
Posh Spice has been replaced by Melanoma Spice.

I think he wants to play with his toys. Nothing else. I would not be shocked if he has asked someone if he could have a uniform to wear for the parade with a couple of those silver stars and purple hearts on it.

I could see us all changing our avatars across social media to say something about how the money spent on the parade should be put towards the VA/ending veteran homelessness/PTSD research and support/etc. We have to directly connect the money wasted on this parade to a loss to veterans.

My father said that he’s tempted to go to D.C. for this, and very pointedly NOT salute Trump if and when he passes by in said parade. If enough veterans did this, THAT would send a statement.

Just say you fucked up, Doritos! It’s fine. Everyone fucks up. But this is bullshit. Your chief executive said some stupid shit and now you’re trying to pretend she didn’t?

Why couldn’t Skeeter be Miss Piggy’s friend? Twins have individual identities, tastes, and friends. GOSH MUPPETS!

Those stills look like a crappy video game. So many cartoons look like this nowadays.

I think the problem is that it’s New Hampshire, the store where the ticket was sold is known, and the winner is somehow well-known in her community (“an engaged community member,” according to her attorney.) Even if her name really was Jane Doe, and she lived in one of the booming New Hampshire metropolises like

They can’t tell her how to dress or wear makeup, so nothing should preclude her from showing up with extensive prosthetics, colored contacts, and makeup so that while she fulfills the obligation to appear, anyone who knows her would take one look and say, “oh, that’s not our friend Jane Doe; must be another Jane Doe.”


Well, as a man, I’m expecting these Ovaritos to be pink, to taste like a summer’s eve, and be way more expensive.

I’m eating the family size bag because I believe I’m a family and I take care of my own!

Ok, I’m gross and lick my fingers, but you have to wash both before and after. Can’t inflict that gross on other people, it’s just wrong.

Education for women?!?!

Because women don’t like that kind of shit? Because treating women as a conquest is fucked up? Is it really that difficult to understand why this might not be the best way to meet people?

It’s implied in the condescending tone of “normalizing casual sex” coupled with isolating men as the ones who are going to “maximize their rate of said sex.”

It’s comes across as “well if we only normalized committed, monogamous sex, men wouldn’t act this way”, which kinda just places the responsibility on the women.

So it’s the women’s fault that these assholes are harassing them?

“The less decisive and the less present the woman, the easier it is to score.”