
Aw Jesus that’s awful.

Also, I am buoyed by the care you take to reply to everyone’s commenta on here. It shows a thoughtfulness and generosity that are not so common and it makes me feel warm inside. Have an excellent week and best of luck with your recovery and the applications, you sound like the kind of teacher of count myself lucky to

You aren’t alone, and it will pass.

Yes, the throat has been bad since Thursday, but I’m kicking it slowly.

Is asserting myself two different times in some of the world’s mildest situations worth mentioning? I think it is because I’m trying to go from unassertive as the day is long to someone who isn’t afraid to speak their mind.

Today I made it through brunch for my narcissistic witch mother’s birthday, and all flying monkey family members were there as well. Without getting really upset or angry, though I took half of a xanny before hand to steel myself. Tonight I’m home decompressing with delicious vodka.

I hid my bathroom scale in the garage

I got the best Annual Review in my department. “Exceeds Expectation”!!! Also the highest paid in a department full of men. Suck it! Very happy just to be employed, have a dog and work from home. Sometimes I worry that my aspirations aren’t higher...but that’s years of conditioning I suppose.

Congratulations on your continued independence! I know how awful it can be losing it psychologically. I’m hoping In-Home Support can keep you moving forward and keep you where you want to be.

I’ve won a few cases as part of larger teams, but this week I won the first case that I handled all by myself, with minimal supervision! And the judge quoted heavily from my brief in his opinion!

Well she was a drunk and was what we now call abusive but back in England in the 70s was called strict. But when she was sober she was a hoot, shame she drank herself to death in 2002 at 52, I miss her wit and her wicked sense of humour, I don’t miss her emotional blackmail and her calling me at work at 11 am

Well, I guess this would count as an achievement. A few weeks back I was injured and it looked as if I may have to give up living independently(because of lifelong disibility + new injury). Long story short, it looks as if I get to stay independent for now. I will be starting physical therepy soon, I applied for In

oops... I thought it said “firecroft” not “firCroft”

I stopped fearing and avoiding and opened my mail. Sounds ridiculous but avoiding the things the mail brings (usually bills and problems or something guilt-inducing) has been a feature of a long and difficult period of life that I’m *hoping* is lifting.

Hi Short,

I’m so sorry that someone or someones have decided to single you out. I think that this place is, for so many of us, a bright spot in our days. It really makes me sad that people are devoting so much energy to ruining other people’s days. :-(

The depressive part of my manic depression has been very active lately, and it’s been hard, though it is getting better. I just wanted to shout out to anyone else who is dealing with depression. You aren’t alone, and it will pass. All of the negative things your mind is telling you are cruel symptoms of a terrible

What have you done this past week that you’re proud of? Not lit someone or your workplace on fire? Avoided shoving an annoying family member from behind? Got a promotion or procured employment? Brag on yourself here so we can celebrate you!

Wow, SNS starting early tonight! Woot!