
You act as if people with schizophrenia aren’t able to adhere to a strict schedule without constant monitoring. That isn’t always true and it’s stigmatizing to generalize about things like this.

You can really tell the people who’ve ever dealt with any issues of mental illness, either personally or among family members, and those who have no idea.

I don’t really get why this is bothering people. This article was about the sentencing. It’s newsworthy (to me) because she was tried as an adult when she committed the crime at 12. As a lawyer, I think that’s fucked.

You can do both. This girl suffered from schizophrenia. That’s not something be brushed aside.

It always bothered me that they tried these two girls as adults.

Uh...lots of people? My father’s parents always kissed their kids and grandkids on the lips, and most of his siblings do likewise to their kids and grandkids. It’s totally normal for them. Deciding that two people touching lips is inherently romantic or sexual is really pretty arbitrary, so it makes sense that that’s

Guns are legal in just about every West-European country, the Nordic countries have gun ownership rates similar to the USA

Those face mites are slacking on the face-oil eating thing. I wonder if my colony is weak. Is there a probiotic I can take to cultivate a strong face mite microbiome?

Take all the guns.

As a suicide prevention advocate and a suicide loss survivor, I urge you to follow guidelines about reporting on suicide, which include not including method of death, especially in a headline: http://reportingonsuicide.org/

that’s not what demonstrably said, and that’s not what aziz is, and you know it. was it rape? no. was it sexual assault? yeah. (some would argue no but they’re not the victim in this scenario.)

I don’t think this is really the same. Amy isn’t wrong- what Aziz did isn’t illegal. But, like Amy said, what he did still isn’t acceptable and can do a lot of damage to the woman on the receiving end.

“I kind of want to come up with a little bit of a code of conduct...”

Right? Thirst /= confidence.

If I posted pictures of myself nekked on the interwebs (Note: No) I certainly wouldn’t want my family members responding to it. Jesus, what at they, the fucking Lannisters?

I love that yarn.

Oh you’re right. That’s needle felting. And I see now felting is a completely other category.

I have chemical (hormone-based) depression, and I completely feel you. Here’s to hitting that warm water and having clean hair!

Wow that yarn really is stunning! Very excited to see this as a finished piece!

I vote to try to find a roommate first, because that seems like the option that causes the least change, and you deserve to minimize aggravation in your life right now.