
That looks so so good. Do you have a recipe to share, please? I am such a potato fiend.

Oh no. I hope you all feel much better soon.

I have never had chocolate babka (or any other kind of babka), but it always looks so good when I see a recipe and I will just have to try it in 2018!

I have been known to eat leftover potato gratin for lunch the next day #noshame

I have never thought of putting dill in scrambled eggs and now I really want to try it!

Yes <3

Last year I used frozen cherries, which I boiled with some sugar and skimmed off any scum. Then I thickened with a cornflour slurry and added a few drops of almond flavouring. This year I can’t get frozen cherries (stupid supermarket doesn’t stock them anymore), so I havea jar of preserved cherries that I will try to

Thank you for this (estranged family for me). It is hard trying not to think too much about them and then getting sneak attacked by the blues and/or tears. I have been self-medicating with salted caramel cheesecake and milk chocolate with chopped walnuts in during the week.

Thanks 😊

I would love your recipe, if you don’t mind sharing it 😊

I don’t think so. I have never heard of anything like that. Risalamande is a rice porridge made with whole milk and vanilla. Cooled and then mixed with chopped blanched almonds and lots of whipped cream. Served with cherry sauce (cold sauce, mind you, only heathens serve the sauce hot... I am looking at you, people

Sounds good. I’ve never had a lemonbar. Is it a American cake?

Shoot! I have to make the cherry sauce tomorrow. Thanks for reminding me. In Denmark you just buy a carton of it at the nearest supermarket. Not so in NL. I have to make it from scratch. Let me know if you want my family recipe for the risalamande 😊

You are welcome! They were so easy to make - the hardest part was chopping the chocolate (Dutch grocery stores don’t do chocolate chips let alone mini chocolate chips).

Yummm... I wholeheartedly approve of both traditional ravioli and traditional pizza 😊

Heh, thanks. I stole it from a forum post on Ravelry.

Now you have me drooling, your dinner sounds utterly delicious. Potatoes au gratin are a weakness of mine. Dutchie and I have it every year on New Year’s eve.

Thanks 😊

That all sounds really delicious!

That sounds good. Never had it myself.