
Ahh, I love when I find a new recipe site. I better have a look at this one (I chose it for the picture and explanation of the dessert.

Me too. We are trying to make xmas as stress free and pajamasy as possible and that has helped some.

I need to finish the risalamande - the porridge is made and cooled. I might make a batch of forgotten cookies for my sister in law, who is hosting 1st day of xmas. See cooking thread for details.

I’m working on my first piece of knitted lace. It will be a cowl. I am peppering it with errors (mysteriously appearing extra stitches), but it is fun to do. I have already unravelved twice, so now I am telling myself to live with the errors and see them as “design features”... ahem. I don’t have a recent picture and

Cooking thread!

So, Megan, which is it? May 18th or May 19th? The article seems to mention both dates :)

I was in London in 2009 and bought those Lucifer biscuits. They are divine! They are ginger cookies with a hint of chili. Nom nom nom!

Am I the only one thinking that wine aerator really looks a lot like a semi flacid penis?

I spent most of the week being under the weather, snotty and low feverish, but determined to learn how to make African flower crochet motifs.

I know you weren’t asking me, but just want to recommend the Dutch ovens from Ikea. I have the big oval one and use it for baking rustic breads. It’s very nice and affordable too :)

Me too! I am SO looking forward to my first oliebollen of the year. Zonder krenten en zonder rozijnen alsjeblieft! In the big test Ron’s Oliebollenkraam in center of town scores high, but his oliebollen are crap. They are all greasy and yuck (based on my very scientific test of buying 2 last year). The ones from the

Oh silly me! I should have realised that severe depression is just my body shielding me from assault, harrazment and rape. No shower, deodorant and toothpaste... yep, it all fits.

You forgot about tremendous... *sigh* (sigh is not directed at you)

Maybe the Addi Flexiflip will be great for you then. You van also try one really short circular needle. I use one that is 30 cm long and it’s so nice not to be poked all over by the DPNs. You can get circular needles down to 23 cm in length.

I like the way you think! 😃

I know what you mean by feeling intimidated by the heel. I took the advice of some people on Ravelry, who told me to just trust the pattern, even if it made no sense. At the end it actually did make sense to me and I found the turning of the heel to be fun and a little magical. You can do it too!

Sorry, I have no puppies. Will a kitty do?

She is so big and looks so happy ❤ reading about Catalina put a big goofy grin on my face -just what I needed!

I can not decide if I like snoozing dog or your lovely blanket (that colour!) best.

That looks delicious! What kind of cake is it?