
I used the nuvaring years ago and it was fine. I have short fingers, but could still manage to get it out fine. Once it’s in there you don’t feel it at all. I remember having a text service texting me when it was time to take them out/put them in. There’s probably an app for it now :)

Olivia is a rescue. We adopted her in 2013. She was in a trailer size cage with 10-ish other cats and she does not like other cats! Now she is the ruler and princess of our apartment <3

I came here to write exactly that! Are you in my mind, Pie-pie? It’s ok if you are, just let me know and I’ll move some stuff around to make room for you.

What a gorgeous little fighter Catalina is! She has gotten the cutest little chubby cheek <3

Me too. I was all “Oooh that looks like the awesomest mousse cake ever!”

You mean Blanchie is going to whip out a straw and have a slurp of the wine? I am right, aren’t I?

This is how it will look when finished.

Hi Pie-Pie 😊 Just want you to show how I am getting on with my first embroidery. Thank you for helping me getting started 😃

Thank you so much. This was exactly what I meant. It makes much more sense to me now. I might start tomorrow now that you have explained it to me <3

Pie-Pie, can I ask you something? I am really really impressed with your work and wanted to know how you secure the threads on the back? I’ve read books about cross stitching and even have a couple of packs with aida, pattern and all the yarn needed. I just can’t wrap my head around how to do stuff on the back.

That top bracelet makes me happy just looking at it. Very nice stuff :)

This is our Olivia. Her full name is Olivia Benson (we named her that before Taylor Swift adopted her cat, harumpf!).

I’m Danish so I eat my hotdogs like this: If it’s a red sausage it get’s boiled and if it’s a brown sausage it gets fried. On top goes: One line of ketchup, one line of mustard, one line of remoulade (the Danish kind), crispy fried onions and thin slices of pickled cucumbers. Some also have chopped raw onions on top,

I know, right? *eye rolls from here to eternity at the people “planning” this*.

Just imagine how warm it must be for him with all that fat AND a fur coat on. Also, at his current size I seriously doubt he is able to groom himself. Imagine being a cat not able to wash in the dignified kitty maner. I feel so sorry for him. I hope whoever adopts him can get him safely to a healthy weight.

Me too. More posts featuring Louise please!

Thank you for stomping out that scary rumour!


My 20 year anniversary for graduating is next year and I LIKE that I live 2 countries away, so it will be easier to decline attending.

I hope his penis wilts and falls off! So sorry all of that happened to you :(