
For me he looks stone cold... and not in a good way. I completely agree with you on facial tattoos.

Handsome boys just hanging out <3

Not at all. Some live to work, some work to live and so on...

They are so good. At first I felt they were not for me because of being written for YA, but they are so much fun and really well written. Enjoy the Feegles :)

Those books got me trough an extremely difficult period with my anxiety turned to 11 last year. I also cried almost all through the last one. Those books made me think to myself so many times, that I wish I could train as a witch (or at least live on the Discworld).

Huffelpuff and my patronus is a west highland terrier *woof!*

I have been a huge fan of the books since they were very new, but somehow I’ve never gotten sorted!

Somehow the Fish Hook got the biggest full body wince from me *shudder*.

Thank you and hugs to you too.

That sounds a lot like the situation with my parents. The only time my father has defended anyone is when my actions of protecting myself from my mom has led to hear being hurt —> he verbally attacks me and threatened to cut me out of the family. Last month I finally cut them out after almost 20 years of mental

Me too. Just last month I cut contact with my parents and in the process lost all contact with my brother and my only living grandparents (who recently told me they understood I had to protect myself. Grandmother also had a habbit of telling me I was her favourite grandchild, which never felt good/right to hear for

Bunnies?! Now those will get you the instant love and admiration of my fiancé’s sister, who has five rescue bunnies. Not sure our cat is cool with bunnies though - she’s only just back to her normal self after a weekend of hiding in a shoe box under the sofa, while we had friends with a 1 year old staying over. Olivia

I live in the Netherlands now, so you could get almost the same level of freethinking, with less taxes to pay and cheaper everything, if I adopted you. I am however child free and plan to stay that way. Sorry, no adoption - besides my cat is scared of children ;-)

I’m 38 and just as bitter towards my parents about not being allowed any in the 80's when Slime showed up in Danish toy stores... Harumpf!

I only knew of the angry golf playing kind. Thanks for teaching me something new :)

Feche la vache!

Yeah... tuna would be an especially weird fruit to be compared to ;-)

Hmm... maybe I should give it another go. Maybe...

I love Master of None so much. House of Cards I only got less than 5 minutrs into. I remember something about a dog beong hurt and noped awaaaaay.

Olivia, our rescue cat, is afraid of the sound of plastic bags. She loves licking them but the sound of them being shook to open them scares her into a sort of version of ‘duck and cover’ for kitties. We have no idea why...