
I’ve never seen any of these films (my age and my unwillingness to be triggered has prevented me), but I really wish there were more movies that talked about diet culture and how it leads to EDs.

The thing is, I didn’t mind season 2 so much. But then again I binged seasons 1 and 2 in probably 10 days, so that might account for some of my tolerance. I couldn’t imagine having to wait for the next episode every Sunday in order to get - more farm.

Wow, this is hands down the best drama to come out of the walking dead in years.

2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!

This is why I’ve stopped going to shows at large venues, no matter who’s playing. Unless you have shittons of money, you can’t afford the decent seats, so you end up watching them on the jumbotron. There is the experience of being there in the crowd with a bunch of fans and knowing the artist(s) you love are there

I do think Wright is a genius writer/director. But only like two of his movies pass the Bechdel test and those only barely. Its not surprising that Debora was a pretty shallow character.

Lily James did a lot with what she was given though.


Between the treatment of Debora and the rumors that Wasp had only a small role in Wright’s version of Ant-man, I’m wondering if Wright just isn’t terribly interested in female characters. Even in Scott Pilgrim, the female characters were entirely defined by their relationship to Scott. Some of that may have just been

Counterpoint: this looks great and you’re wrong.

Shanita, this was hard to read, but thank you so much for writing it.

“I am not shocked that part of her health was affected by drugs,” he continued. “If you want to know what killed her, it’s all of it.”

“But later on, we see he doesn’t really care that he’s not the biological dad (or at least he’s pretending he doesn’t). He apologizes to Serena, and promises that once the baby is born Offred will be out of their lives forever and they can be a family. He’s never actually cared about Offred, so this isn’t much of a

So enlarged tonsils are one symptom of Tangier disease. Maybe that’s actually God’s attempt to give them gills.  

That may be because it is REALLY UNPLEASANT AND HARD TO WATCH, although very well made. It’s just hard to say “oh, what’s on TV? Something gut-wrenching and depressing that makes me want to curl into a ball? Sounds fun!”

I can respect putting it behind GotG and CA: WS (which are, with GotG2, the best Marvel has offered), but as a woman, there will always be something more special about WW to me...I kept tearing up throughout because I was just so happy seeing the Amazons kick ass, then WW kick ass, seeing all the men as supporters of

The reveal that he’s from Michigan confirms that I’ve dated at least one version of pre-Gilead Nick.

The Flash has become my new TWD. I keep up on the news so I can pop in and talk at length about how I stopped watching it. so....

This show and their format is a slow burn, nothing moves or picks up quickly, pun intended, since this is a show about the flash but the story is so long and dragged out like a very bad drama that tries to be an action show.