
I actually thought for a minute it was so he could be with "Skye." Thank goodness that was not the case. Yeesh.

My cat also has a fancy! He is a tuxedo cat, duh.

Commitment! I also watch Supernatural, but that's more of Thursday evening thing for us now.

Try the fish! Tip your servers!

I'd like Captain America in my bedroom, please.

Love this. Thank you, raiju!!

It's a great time to be alive and consume media. :-) Literally every show we watch except Brooklyn 99 and John Oliver are covered by i09.

I apologize for this possible hijacking, but I'm in need of some assistance. My nerdy husband is DMing D&D 5e and his group is not being the best (at many things; too much to go into) so as a result, he's feeling very sulky about it like he's failed as a DM and a HUMAN AT LIFE. Not really so much at the last part, but

Are you kidding me? Tuesday/Wednesdays are my highlights of the workweek because of The Flash, SHIELD, and Arrow. NO SHAME!


I agree with the chorus. I liked it pre Winter Soldier and then after and since, it's the show I look forward to all week. Get thee to Nextflix.

Any ideas on what the end game is for this season? And next for that matter? Is someone going to find a cure for the Mark of Cain this season and then next season have something else?

It came from an Iraqui cemetery. Ergo...monster.

I get that...but for me, I need to talk about things when they happen. So definitely, your mileage may vary.

What? Speak up, sonny!

Oh eww. You're not wrong...ewww.

That's true, and I definitely agree. I really like Eddie, actually.