
RE Eddie's "mature" reaction...he didn't even say anything to Iris till the next day and they live together! And then when he did say something he walked away! Not cool, dude. (And I'm not giving Iris a pass either!)

As soon as Barry and Iris kissed I shouted out THIS ISN"T REAL!!1! THIS IS ANOTHER TIMELINE! I know they're going to jerk us around on this for much longer. (Beeteedubs, if some girl touched my (now) husband's face to wipe something off it who isn't his sister? She'd be dead. Or maimed. Well, she'd have a hell of a

I'm very close to shutting it down for myself!

At some point I feel like I have to stop watching clips and behind-the-scenes so the movie is a WHOLE new experience, right?

Makes you wonder if we should even finish reading!!

I'm fairly convinced I must have skipped over them because all that above? Don't remember a thing,

That's a fair summary.

Exactly. I forgot several of these things above because none of it seemed to move the plot forward. It's also been four years since I've read them, which doesn't help much either, but that's practically yesterday in light of the folks who have been reading them for 10+!

I just snorted.

THIS! My husband is a high school teacher and hasn't eaten a weekday lunch sitting down during a school year since I don't know when.

thank you; this is a great response. I listen to Elliot in the Morning in DC ( been listening forever, it's like a security blanket) and they are live. I did t realize this wasn't the norm.

Yes! I feel like a total idiot that I didn't connect Ronan and the truncheon as a smaller version of his weapon.

I was thinking his voice was altered in post. I'm still not unconvinced that's the case...

Oh, ugh. This makes me so sad, but I'm not totally surprised. Why am I so offended (strong word, I know) that this happens? Is that crazy to feel? And by asking, I mean no personal insult. I mean, I totally get it in some ways, but in other ways I feel like - dude, I'm not that dumb! Despite using the word dude.

I think it's pretty well known that War of the Roses (the cheater-catching recordings) on the radio are mostly fake - but are they ALWAYS fake? Or is there some real stuff in there too?

Exactly. I saw GotG in the theater twice, and I feel like I'll need that for Avengers and Pitch Perfect. PLUS all the others? May is BOOKED and I am thrilled.

GASP! I refuse to believe this is a possibility.

Dear God, is that May as well? My husband has been salivating over it. I personally don't get it, but I would go.

Soooo...May is all booked up for me now. Between seeing the new Avengers and Pitch Perfect multiple times, now this?

I'm not sure about the Seattle trip, but all the photos from Christopher's Haven in Boston were taken by the people inside. No press. Seattle Childrens' tweeted out those photos above. I feel like that's different than the PR machine being there.