
Happy birthday!!


I fell asleep halfway through Thunderdome. I still have nightmares about MasterBlaster. So this question is also valid to me.

not sorry...?

Sorry, I'm compelled:

this is great; thank you muchly!

it really does; thank you so much!

IUD is less permanent until we decide for sure.

Quick synopsis on why it's so great? And if there are situations where maybe you don't want it? Imma make this all about me - almost 38 years old, pretty terrified of pain, not well controlled on the pill, terrified of getting pregnant, husband and I haven't definitively decided to NOT have kids so I want something

Because no one actually believes they would beat Ra's, right? I mean, did Ollie REALLY think he had a shot?!

I called him Hobo Torch. Or MetaHuman Torch.

Welp, that's it for today folks! cdog has won the internet and my mind is blown! See you tomorrow!

I think Whitehall was the evil sacrificial lamb. The protagonists needed a win in their column and it provided the showdown (?) between Coulson and Cal then Skye breaking it up.

I commented last night that Oliver had a particularly thorny stick up his butt in the ep.

Yup. Also Caitlin's presumed-dead fiance.

Thank god b/c I could have sworn they were saying BiVelow. I thought I was losing it.

Ahahaha THANK YOU for gif-ing this. It was my favorite part of the Diggle-reaction.