
Perhaps that was the point? To make Whitehall look like the ultimate baddie and also to add suspense leading up to the midseason finale.

Nor did he shoot the SHIELD jet out of the air. It's like when he didn't shoot the dog, outright kill Fitz/Simmons, etc. He knows exactly what he's doing.


I agree with that. Amell/Oliver is still kind of one note, but I think Arrow is a stronger show and more compelling. Personally, I'm not a fan of Cisco, don't care about Caitlin yet, and CANNOT STAND Iris. More than I ever hated Laurel, which was a lot. I'm totally over the pining for Iris also. I do really like Grant

Agreed. And I don't think it would make sense to pull Amell/Gustin to the big screen. It would just seem wrong. They belong on their shows on the CW, where they are really good...well, Arrow more than Flash.

Oh god, Biden puts it over the top.

I started watching Parks and Rec after Guardians b/c I loved Chris Pratt so much in GotG.

PERFECT for Hawkeye. Why wasn't this a thing?!11? I know I know...

I definitely cried. Was a little embarrassed, but so worth it. Loved it.

there is something that really bothers me about them using mannequins for plus size but not straight size. Again, like the fat girls are too ugly IRL.

to be fair, he has done his part today. Mission accomplished, now pass my hate-cheese!

yay! It's kind of jarring/shocking to see the "straight size" models on other sites now, right?

Good point! But I watch AoS on Tuesday, then Supernatural on Wednesday thanks to le DVR

I loved last night's episode. I usually watch AoS over Supernatural on Tuesdays, but no one does meta better than Sammy and Dean.

That gif is everything! That was my favorite moment of last night next to Chuck showing up.

The commentary, I think, is that Supernatural's fan base is mostly women. And I kind of loved that they tipped their hat to that.

Steve Harvey's smile/teeth make me have this reaction:

at least they got the right cop cars...? And they did film Cap in DuPont Circle when he went "home."

This will sound nuts, but...Constantine reminds me of a less attractive Jason Stackhouse from Trueblood. And then his friend (sorry, can't remember the name) who comes to the rescue reminds me of Terry Bellefleur. That's all I see...

I liked this story better on Supernatural. Of course there's going to be crossover, but after this episode I felt like if I had to choose, I'd stick with Sammy and Dean.