If they do understand it, then they’re just an asshole. So either way.
If they do understand it, then they’re just an asshole. So either way.
Bear’s transition is an interesting choice, especially considering how sudden it was. Good for the artist for feeling comfortable enough to come out. As long as Bear keeps being the usual goofball character she previously was (and it looks like that’s the case) then I’m totally down. Neither Bear nor Pie were…
Sounds like some shit Krieger would say...
You say this like therapy and/or surgery is free and that still a got a good portion of the population that will disown or discriminate against you just for being you, but ok.
Indeed, let’s tell people they can be whatever they feel like. Yes they should grow up and accept who/what they are (even if who/what they are isn’t the gender they thought they were). We should be supportive and accepting of others’ lives and decisions, especially if doing so doesn’t affect us at all.
I still can’t believe how meaningful it feels to me that in a webcomic i like for unrelated reasons, one of the makers and stars came out as ace and the other as trans.
Yeah, I didn’t get it either.
Ok someone explain that first comic to me please. I want to be sure I’m not still drunk from last night.
Yes, it’s a weird topic to show about in the gaming community.
I agree. Refreshing to read more openly trans comics people tell stories, especially their story
Life in Aggro you are winning me over with these cute trans comics. Must binge read the comic now for all the gaming comics.
Uh... it’s not like Bethesda has been doing nothing all this time. They released Fallout 4 last year, and a bunch of DLC for it this year. They’re working on several other projects, ESVI expected to be among them. They just don’t happen to work exclusively on TES.
Why feel sad for a group of people that are doing something they love? Sure, they could probably do something more productive moneywise, but hey if this is what they want to do with their free time more power to them.
It was deceitful, yes, as a lot of jokes are. So what, the guy got 50 million subscribers?
You do realise that was part of the joke? The media blew the notice out of proportions and went all crazy over it, which is why PewDiePie mocks them in the video.
Why so salty? If you dont like him, just ignore him and skip over articles about him. Ive done that with Trump for the past year, and ill continue doing it for the next 4
There’s a 79 year old grandmother playing skyrim, it’s not that hard to master YouTube these days.
Time is, as they say, money. If you’re making money by filming, it’s ultimately beneficial to free editing time in order to make more content and offload the editing to someone else.
A lot of them do! It’s understandable that some don’t.