
He had a live debate with a twitch streamer, which is where the bulk of the offensive things were said.

How do the ways in which the costume is filmed or photographed determine whether it’s cosplay or something else? Isn’t cosplay a fan dressing as a character, regardless of outside circumstances?

The Christmas comic showed her eating dinner with an older man in Canada, and some surmised this means that her father is a Canadian First Nation man.

This reminded me how much I love the Portal 2 soundtrack. What excellent music that is.

Yeah, I found out about it through word of mouth a few weeks ago, and it’s incredible. I can’t believe Kotaku hasn’t written something about it, and that it gets so little attention in general.

According to other people, no. It’s Fast Racing: Neo.

For a show so intrinsically linked with a certain kind of music, it really is perplexing and unfortunate what they went with for the film, although there are one or two good songs near the end, if I remember correctly.

For a show so intrinsically linked with a certain kind of music, it really is perplexing and unfortunate what they

Just a note, the version they released on the Windows store is the mobile version of the game, which is also developed by Mojang. 4J Studios makes the Console Version. Also, there are appealing parts of the mobile version, specifically that it is a lot more optimized than the PC version and has certain minor features

I don’t really participate in Twitch chat, but I’ve heard from people who do that the closest real-world analog is cheering at a sports game - You’re not saying anything of value, you’re just making noise with everyone else for fun.

My middle-aged parents who don’t play video games loved it.

If Overwatch had all of its personality stripped away and was left with only the mechanics, I feel like a lot of people wouldn’t enjoy it as much. The characters and lore are just another way to make things interesting, although it definitely feels like the world’s being underutilised in a MP-only game.

From the article: “...Germia crafted a costume of Pharah’s Anubis skin...”

As of December 2015 Vine has 200 million active users, 2/3s the population of the US. It’s definitely stupid, but it’s also very big.

@ResidentStevil in a comment above yours says

The mute button’s what they did. And people have described how real roller coasters or horror games feel in VR, why wouldn’t groping have the same potential response, at least at an instinctual, base level?

It sounds like you’re invisible for them, and they’re invisible for you. So less like a banhammer, more like a mute button.

Why’s that? Neither party is kept from playing the game with this power, it just means they can’t see each other.

I agree with your point, but just to clarify, the superpower is two-way; you can’t see them, and they can’t see you either.

I’ve heard a lot of people say that VR feels very real. For example, riding a roller coaster in VR makes many people feel nauseous, and horror games are on a whole other level because it doesn’t feel like you’re an avatar, it feels like, at least on an instinctual level, you’re there. So to have someone, even

Yeah, I think the biggest issue with the first game was that it had the ridiculous 90's film-style hacking, which is inherently goofy, and then took it super seriously. It makes a lot more sense to have fun with the concept.