
Nothing unnecessary about a unique perspective others might not have access to, and it’s relevant to the topic of the article.

My roommates are Russian as well, having moved here about 2 years ago, and the stuff they’ve relayed to me about the economy and political situation over there is sobering, to say the lease.

Man, Russian culture and its laws have been really interesting in the last few years since my GF is Russian born. This is just a continued push by their government to create villainous folk to further hide their control over the economic structure of the country. Really a bummer that it is hate bred for the expressed

Konami. It’s always Konami.

“confirmed that Gustavo Santaolalla would be returning to score the new game”

The gameplay is TLOF is fantastic. Intelligent, creative, fun.

Eh, AZ usually takes a theme and runs with it for a few months. Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem, Dragon Age, and now Metal Gear. She’s due for a switch soon, don’t you worry.

I’m sure they were watching PSX livestream with baited breath then.

He’s not quite a villain. Things aren’t black and white in the last of us, he’s a complicated character who did awful things but he’s not just a straight up “villain”, most of what he did could be chalked up to losing everyone he loved and not being able to trust anyone after being betrayed and cheated so many times

I don’t think there were many people thinking “I hope they make a Knack 2 and I don’t care at all if they improve on the first one because it was so perfect,” but I personally enjoyed the first enough that I think if they made a lot of improvements, a second game could be great (or at least enjoyable)

I personally like it. Most people I know who follow Carol Danvers at all only got into her around 2012, so to them, the mohawk is her thing. Besides, there’s like, 15 different characters who already have the style she has in MvC: Infinite, it’s boring and makes her silhouette too generic.

Squirrel Girl better be included or there will be a riot! ;D

Kind of surprised this did well enough to get a sequel, honestly.

I...kind of agree. She has the face of a hardened military vet and a signature mohawk (which artists can’t seem to agree on how to draw), so seeing her like this is a little weird.

Also, fingers crossed for Kamala Khan as an alt, even though her moveset is totally different.

Really hope the game doesn’t look like that.

I would argue that all interactive narratives are games, but not all games are interactive narratives.

Not to be mean but art doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Doom’s story borrows from lots of 80s B-grade horror films, so telling fans not to create fan service games, art, and the like is hypocritical. Art is always about referencing what’s come before or has always existed. And trying to play IP apologist just makes you look

I tend to avoid editorializing too much but this comes up a lot with these articles. My belief is that fan games provide a valuable service to gaming culture by keeping games present in our minds and providing new ways to experience the games we already value so much.

This might be one of the dumbest things I’ve read today. Top five, easily.

“Bioshock, Dead Space and Alien Isolation”. Also known as System Shock 2 ;P