
Waypoint Radio has been my favorite podcast since it debuted, and Waypoint’s criticism has been the best in the business, bar none. This really sucks.

This sucks so, so much. I will miss Waypoint Radio most of all. I hope eveyone lands on their feet and keeps doing stuff where I can continue to follow them.

Riot knew they were partnering with a pyramid scheme when they signed the deal.  I have no sympathy for them now that they’re in the Find Out phase.

This while crypto thing has really reminded how people getting paid millions of dollars almost always have no idea what they’re doing and that the real work is done by the middle class keeping their company afloat. Eat the rich. 

In keeping with the Simpsons theme...

No it’s not. Fortnite made 3000 dollars in the time it took me to write the word ‘dollars.’ If they want to buy the eternal copyright for a piece of art, they can pay at least what they make in, I don’t know, an hour.

...”perceived” self-worth?

Do you think the people working at the fast food chains are being paid what they’re worth for the price of the food that makes the company billions of dollars?

Artist who makes their living with their own art

Lot of people both-sidesing an issue between an independent artist and a deeply unethical multi-billion dollar game company, it’s weird

That person who works for weeks to make the same amount of money usually isn’t designing an asset or a product for a company who can then turn around and make millions of dollars off of that asset or product.

It’s almost as if the average person should be paid more.

What exactly do you mean by a “real” job? Are you trying to say that your job is somehow more real than hers or did you put the quotations because you understand that that’s not really the correct contextual word? “Traditional” job might be apt, but illustrator is a very real job, it takes time, effort, mental

The agents claimed that all the contracts “had set conditions for fee and terms,” and that the company “did not have the time and manpower to negotiate each one separately.”

Haha, no. They spend outrageous amounts on tacky and meaningless nothings. The real reason they stay rich is because they weaken labor organizing. 

Ugh, the worst part is, they’ll find someone desperate enough to take the deal. Not that that’s the individual artist’s fault. And I imagine we’re not too far off from large corporations just using AI art generators for whatever Epic was looking for.

I hate the world we live in.

You’re absolutely right we used to do transcripts, to give a peek behind the curtain, presently it’s formatted that video posts (not just Kotaku all our sites) don’t allow for text. The reasoning as it’s been told me is that this allows for the videos to slot into our playlists smoother. I will inquire if there’s

Seconded. I work on disability rights professionally, and this kind of lack of accessibility is the bane of my existence. I can hear, and I still want captions for videos like this - it just makes them easier to watch.

Dear Kotaku, if you are not going to include accessibility options in your videos (i.e. subtitles) can you, at the very least, provide a transcript? I’d ask this any time of the year but it feels especially egregious that this didn’t occur to anyone this week.

most communists would support paying more for goods that last a long time and are produced by people who are paid fairly. cheap, fast fashion is cheap and fast because the people who make it are underpaid and the materials used are produced with little care for the environment.