
Hooray, Todd episode! 

how he got his Ultimate Badass rep

My thoughts:


This looks like shit, but I’m just happy to see Will Arnett alive. In AD season 5 he looked like the grim specter of Death. He was at Scott Weiland levels of “this dude is literally dying in front of us”

its a million times better than the best marvel film and it still sucks . 

And sometimes they’ll also add Neil Peart.

Loved the bit about NFTs. On the other hand I found the bit about Alexas to be very sexist, and the jokes about “we can’t say anything anymore because of the woke” or something around Jimmy stinked a lot too.

If you don’t even consider the original matrix a good film you should probably just skip this one tbh.  

When *she visits America

I hope this show is on for another 15 seasons. Take 30 years to make them if they want. I also hope slideshows die a quick death, they’re an awful user experience.

People are still working this shit out?  Damn.  It’s been years.  I have trouble understanding why it’s so hard.

I guarantee you that May, like most cisgender people, cannot name a single trans musician despite their being so prevalent that the industry is forcing one into every band.

Or superhero movies. Or zombie movies. Honestly, there’s nothing to be said any of these that hasn’t already been said. But they make money, so I think they’ll be around forever.

The entire MCU has always been military/capitalism propaganda and I’m shocked anyone would even try to argue otherwise. Brie Larson literally did an ad for the air force in the Captain Marvel promos. 

The mcu does suck tho

And Patrick Warburton is the Saturday morning cartoon version!

Isn’t that what white people like to say, though, to the black community? “We need to have a conversation. We are going to listen to you” about cops killing black folks, systemic racism, etc.

Oh honey, no.

The way a normal person would read what I said is “Black comedians don’t get nearly the opportunities they should. Maybe we could give his airtime to one of them instead.”

“Do not blame the LGBTQ community for any of this.”