

I don’t think it’s the felony charges that got him, because he’s still technically innocent until proven guilty on that stuff. People have, however, been sharing screenshots of him perving on underage girls and calling them ‘jailbait’ - there are other things but that was the nail in the coffin for me personally and

Stupid for 2 reasons:

Three of my favourite TV shows ever are Better Call Saul, BoJack Horseman and The Venture Bros. (also getting a movie!) - shows that are all about slow character development leading across multiple seasons, with real emotional weight and genuinely gripping drama slowly unfurling.

It’s crazy! Not just in terms of being a complete narcissistic piece of shit, but they even have similiar speech patterns. Although I love Master Shake to the end of the earth and back, which... well, let’s just say obviously I don’t feel that way about Trump.

She looks about 20 years younger than she is. She strikes me as a beautiful person, inside and out.

I love how Mike is so stern and emotionless, but Jonathan Banks is so emotive!

Totally agreed. A part of me also genuinely thought Lalo might just kill Jimmy and leave his body next to Howard’s even though that literally could not happen.

Better Call Saul is so genuinely amazing I sometimes struggle to believe it’s as good as it is. It better clean up a bunch of awards for this last season.

I’m one of the few on the ‘God damn, Lalo is so weirdly hot’ train, and I gotta say - his look in this episode really did it for me!

I think that’s a twist in-and-of itself. We all love Nacho, and he seems morally head-and-shoulders above everybody else in that final scene (yes he’s not exactly a ‘good’ guy, but he’s better than Gus or Hector), so it almost doesn’t seem ‘fair’ for him to die. The show explicitly tells us he’s gonna die, but we keep

Normally prequels suffer from having their hands tied about future plot developments and character situations, but I feel like Better Call Saul really played that to it’s strength here thematically.

Shame Phil Anselmo is a huge fucking racist, really.

The first three seasons (well, in particular the first two) are genuinely timeless and amazing - if you’re a fan of BoJack you’ll be able to appreciate the weirdly intricate plotting and utmost dedication to continuity and callbacks. The third season is a bit of a step down, and the Netflix seasons are odd - the

A decade ago, I went into BoJack Horseman thinking “oh cool, Jesse is in this!” whereas now I actually associate Aaron Paul more with Todd Chavez. Will Arnett is still eternally GOB to me, though.

Especially when Finn and Poe absolutely had the chemistry (as well as the actors both being vocally in favour of it).

I dunno, people seemed to warm up to Sgt. Hatred eventually

To be fair I absolutely just did not get along with it the first 2 times I saw it. But for some reason my friend talked me into watching it a third time and suddenly it clicked for me - now it’s my favourite movie. I think the biggest realisation I had about it is that the plot is needlessly complex, yet also

I’m seeing double! Four Lalos!

As a lifelong Star Wars fan, I lost interest in the new wave of Disney movies and TV shows somewhere between The Rise of Skywalker and The Mandalorian season 2. It just seems like content for the sake of content - I don’t get the impression that this stuff is being made out of some artistic ambition or creative drive.