I remain more and more thankful that Bojack Horseman got 6 seasons and a proper finale.
I remain more and more thankful that Bojack Horseman got 6 seasons and a proper finale.
Oh, how predictable: the incel edge-lord has emerged to explain that the people on the show were not awful at all, they were just being cancelled for not being woke enough!
He’s been a despicable fucking racist for years. Do your research.
It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside, whether you’re white, black, or Sasquatch, even. As long as you follow your dream, no matter how crazy or against the law it is... except for Sasquatch. If you’re Sasquatch, the rules are different.
I feel like it’s all the screenshots and such of really creepy sexual conversations with at least one underage fan doing it more than the court case, though I’m sure his legal problems aren’t helping.
To help today’s increasingly selective audiences, I think all movies should indicate whether or not they’re “A Knives Out Mystery”. For example:
I kinda miss the days when recaps had a little more substance and thought to them than just rehashing the beat-by-beat events of the episode we all just watched. I guess it’s an easy way to hit the required word count for these articles though...
Particularly after the Heard trial, a lot of commenters were very negative about jurors. But it’s worth remembering how much time the jury here put in to trying to reach a verdict — days of their lives as the holidays approached, devoted to doing their job as citizens. And while one might have been worried about…
You are talking to a boring Marvel superfan asshole. He’s only mad at Tarantino and Scorsese because he knows they are 100% right about his shitty baby brained movies.
I am just enjoying the fact that my mind is savouring the whole of the series as opposed to feeling sad it’s over. I’m still thinking about it. I absolutely loved it. It was monumental. For me, it absolutely surpassed its parent series and that was clear early on. I’ve yet to watch any episode twice, but I will be…
This is the first interview with her that I’ve seen or read. Turns out she’s thoughtful, respectful, and well-spoken. Gee, what a shock. Can’t wait to see what she does next.
Wikipedia says she’s 50, which... that can’t be right.
Beef Hardcheese
I really thought mike and nacho had a plan worked out. Mike always has a plan. And when he told gus he wanted to be there and then took his sniper rifle I thought ok hes gonna cover him while nacho runs for it. Desperate, as far as plans go, but if anyone can pull it off mike can.
welp guess you don’t have to suffer much longer! and we don’t have to hear this awful take ever again
Yeah, that’s my first thought just about every time the band comes up. Darrel was an inimitable, generational talent, but their whole catalog wears Anselmo like an albatross. His lyrics age poorly, reputation even more so.
I’m not quite sure what it is, but Julie Ann Emery’s domineering, neurotic, harmlessly-villainous Betsy Kettleman like, totally revs my engine? I am entranced any time she’s on screen with dumb noises coming out of her mouth.
I missed AD. I keep wondering if I should go back to watch it (I certainly love Jessica Walters cos ARCHER and Will Arnett cos LOTS), but I worry the time has passed and it won’t land the way it would have years ago.