
I don’t even understand this choice. Maybe it makes sense if you only read the plot synopsis to John Wick and know nothing else. “John Wick is a gritty revenge movie and Mel Gibson is famous for that kinda thing!

I have just one question for the John wick people:

More like Smell Gibson, amiright?

Came here to say this. Robat Battinbat is wearing the shit outta that cowl, he looks so expressive and intense, and also hot as hell to boot.

Now playing

I have seen way too many hack comedians make “ironically” racist jokes and than go full mask off racist later down the line.

and the arbiter of cool himself, Dr. Phil

Person not affected in any way by the real life dangers of transphobia just doesn't understand why anti-trans talk from a popular public figure could do any harm

Thank you random cis person telling trans people that their opinions aren’t valid...

Meh. I was always a Megadeth fan, and pretty much only acknowledge the Metallica albums Dave Mustaine wrote as being worth a damn.

Has a box set reissue with live sets and other rabbit-hole tangents only diehard fans would be interested in ever changed a naysayer’s mind? I think most Metallica haters would call something like that “exhausting” not “exhaustive.”

I say this as someone who doesn’t like The Black Album: Who cares? This is like trying to “convert the naysayers” that Titanic or Forrest Gump are good movies. The Black Album has sold approximately 7 quadzillion copies and counting, who gives a shit if some pissed off dudes in Megadeth shirts with lifetime

Based on the IGN Review:

Hey! Wait! I filed a dumb complaint.”

Honestly, even the episodes where the show has a marginal point that’s worth a damn usually had some fucked up ideas. Like Go God Go had the right idea that Dawkins’ brand of Atheism is just as antagonistic and dickish as religious fundamentalism. But it’s resolved with heavy transphobia.

I honestly can’t fathom this response.

“I had sex with your best friend”  *Todd Chavez will remember this*

Oh shit I know what they’re gonna look like when they grow up!

We’ve come full circle: Metallica made Load, and a load made Metallica.

So, little Metallica is going to grow up to be a rich asshole, little Slayer is going to be kind of an edge lord, and little Pantera... well, he just better be careful.

Kurt Cobain is laughing at you Dave along with Millions of Patriots