
Hey, I bought my ticket a long time ago at the cost of taking endless crap for daring to say Whedon wasn’t a genius. Seriously, there was a time that if you said Buffy wasn’t that great, you got mobbed as a blasphemer.

All aboard the I Never Liked Joss Whedon Anyway Express!

Katzenberg tried, but his “fuck you” wasn’t enough. Disney still won.

Despite all his rage, he is still holding cats on this page.


welp. i’m gonna sit this one out and enjoy my lunch at the beach. A little unfocused after a long few months, so takeaway is my best and easiest choice (don’t judge me).

You’re banned from this historical society! You, and your children, and your children’s children!

Watching him in Better Call Saul, Little Women, and old Mr. Show sketches, I am convinced that he can play absoluyely anything and anyone. He realy is other-worldy talented. 

Just don’t let him near a box cutter.

He was also Hotblack Desiato’s bodyguard in the BBC television adaptation of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Perhaps you would like to discuss this with the director of Human Resources.

I generally enjoy the show, but I consistently have a problem with its beat-to-beat dialogue flow. The individual lines themselves are usually fine, but the way conversations proceed often feel stilted and unnatural. The conversational logic is sometimes skewed. When Peli Motto is talking to Din about Mos Pelgo, he

Classic studio money contract chicanery.

Jason Bateman: “I won!”

So JK Rowling wrote a book as a man that killed her career.

...I think I want my credits back...

Johnson writing a script that killed the main villain and weakened the secondary villains. THAT was the killer for IX and I bet that was what Trevorrow and Jack Thorne struggled with.

A friend of mine who is a rational human being explained the rationale pretty well: none of this fucking made up bullshit is real, and people shouldn’t be dying (or even have this kind speech banned) over stupid fucking horse shit like this because it upsets dumb fucks.