
Here’s my pitch: Brooklyn becomes an autonomous zone, and the 99 squad quits the force to become community facilitators, using their knowledge to protect the residents from other cops.

Sorry, just laughing over the idea that a sitcom like Friends should have referenced September 11th.

I definitely do. I read her books when I was a kid, watched some of the movies, and generally liked her. Since now she’s transformed into a billionaire lunatic bigot, I’m a little sad and also kind of fascinated to watch the train-wreck. Like, will she release another manifesto? Maybe write a NYT Op-Ed?

Yes, it sure is strange that an entertainment website would report on what a billionaire YA author with an active movie franchise is doing.

Yes she does. First she tweeted a weird rambling thing about a transwoman getting in a fight with a cis-woman a decade ago, followed by her whine about the an article about menstruation using the term “people who menstruate,” followed by the 3,500 word TERF article.

Yes, a mild criticism shortly after she released a lengthy transphobic statement is exactly the same as medieval torture.

Ah, the classic “let’s take an IP people like, but then do... not what that IP does.” Never fails! 

I agree with this and all of the other comments on this thread. I used to read the series of books to my son as a bedtime story and he adored them. So, I can’t help but feel a little betrayed by Disney.

Apparently the movie weaves together the plots of the first two books, which are about as different as two adjacent books in a series could *possibly* be.

The first one was basically a chess match, between magical creatures and a genius with near infinite resources and his unbeatable butler. Also made it interesting because in most YA stories, there’s no good reason why they can’t just ask the adults to sort things out. But in the Artemis Fowl series, the teenager is

Yep, and that made the framing interesting. Because you were in the POV of both sides, you got to see the siege play out almost like a chess match or something. This sounds like it’s just a worse version of a generic superhero story.

My favorite part is when she says that homosexuals are labeling themselves as trans to escape homophobia. Because being trans is so much more acceptable than being gay, right? How do you actually type that in a blog post and not realize how ridiculous that sounds?

Wow get the fuck outta here.  She used the bathroom argument?  I expect Lindsay Graham to do that, Jesus Christ she is a lost cause.

I honestly think it’s fruitless to compare Rick and Morty to Bojack in terms of character development. Bojack, for all its wackiness, was one of the most considered and engaged character studies in the medium, and the major arcs from that show are all tracing its characters as they go through genuine, massive personal

What happened to the other 2/3 of this article?

Great point there.

Andy’s dad kept tripping over Woody and one night threatened to “throw this damn doll in the trash”. So Woody arranged for the dad to have ... a little accident.

Well argued, but everyone knows the greatest moment in Toy Story is the shark who wears Woody's hat and announces "I'm Woody! Howdy howdy howdy!".

I think you’re automatically disqualified from “greatest TV show of all time” contention if your eight or so excellent seasons were followed by over two decades of lackluster seasons.

I'll never forgive the movie for finding the perfect person to play Zaphod Beeblebrox in Sam Rockwell and then having him play a character that's almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Zaphod Beeblebrox.