
“A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad.”

7 years later and yep, you were right!

Apparently Mastodon are on the soundtrack :D

I would watch the shit out of this.

To be fair, as a huge metal fan, I’ve noticed them off-handedly mention Slayer AND Megadeth over the last season - someone on the writing staff is clearly one of us. So I’d be fully up for them adding a metalhead character!

Agreed - I’d much, MUCH rather B99 attempt to grapple with the reality of the US police system and fail, than carry on as if there isn’t really a huge fucking problem. If it does fail I can at least respect it for recognising that the show has, whether intentionally or not, potentially held up some very toxic ideas

Hopefully this means we’ll get Spyro 4 at some point as well!

Hopefully this means we’ll get Spyro 4 at some point as well!

This may be shallow, but I genuinely went in to this film hoping that Tony-Hale-as-Forky having an existential crisis would, just once, shout “I’M A MONSTER!”.

I will always love this film for having the scene where the mom monster listens to Mastodon. I watched this film for the first time with my little brother (he was about 2 I think, we got it on iTunes) and I bolted upright in my seat when I heard Island! And I even sat through the entirety of the credits just to see

The original Aqua Teen Hunger Force intro. That shit was groovy.

I agree with you about The Last Jedi. The way I describe TLJ is “a film I highly respect, but don’t particularly enjoy”.

“Your beloved cowboy toy might be lost forever, but my spork sounds a bit like Buster Bluth!”

> “He’s got this kind of arrested development thing going on”

All I remember about the sequel is that Bob Odenkirk and Jonathan Banks are in it, and both characters (especially Banks’) are pretty much just Jimmy and Mike.

It might just be because I’m a huge fanboy, but Monsters University is a win for me for including the scene where the mum monster listens to Mastodon.

I watched Coco for the first time a few weeks ago, I started crying when that old skeleton died about halfway through and I just kept sobbing right until the end. When I realised that the main character was going to play that ‘Remember Me’ song to his grandma, that was it, I couldn’t stop until the credits were over!

I for one would have much preferred Patrick Warburton as Buzz. Funnily enough, he ended up voicing Buzz in the spin-off cartoon about Space Command.

I’d love to see Cross in BCS. Besides, Odenkirk had a scene in Arrested Development so it’s only fair!

The robot and the monk were cool. I was bored to tears by every other character in Rogue One.

I’m really going to miss Better Call Saul when this season is over (and who knows how long we’ll have to wait for season 6!). This is a tough time for everyone right now; having an hour (or so) every week of guaranteed entertainment that has been written, acted and directed to perfection has been a really nice treat