
Daddy, what does regret mean?

Anyone else notice the similiarity in the Butters plotline to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode ‘Love Mummy’?

If you want to see a cartoon that also runs with the “Cursed Mummy just wants a hug” premise, check out the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode ‘Love Mummy’!

I've always thought that Ike is fucking adorable, and hearing him cry when ICE took him away genuinely broke my heart :'(

100% one of the all-time great children’s shows :)

Slightly parallel, I would argue Will Arnett, for BoJack Horseman and Arrested Development.

I’d say that GOB Bluth is definitely bisexual. Come to think of it, a lot of characters on that show could probably be described as bi-curious at least (I’m definitely leaving Tobias out of this one though)

I would have been happy to hear Josh Homme give it a go, like he did in Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

To be fair, whatever my issues with episode 2 were, I will sing its praises for being yet another example of Andrew Fucking Scott knocking it out of the park. His performance actually made me burst into tears.

Did anyone else see the Sugar Ape poster in the manager’s office? Nice little nod to Nathan Barley there (a show Brooker co-write with Chris Morris).

He has very quickly become one of my absolute favourite actors.

Anyone else think that Funbeak looks like the second version of the Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past From the Future?

I really enjoyed the ending. There’s obviously still a million miles to go but queer sexualities and romances are finally getting some coverage in television programs (and even asexuality is being explored, thanks to BoJack Horseman) - whereas open/polyamorous relationships haven’t really had the same level of

True dat

Reading this comment in Meatwad’s voice is fun.

My favourite thing about this episode is how contrasted the Priest is to everybody else. Fleabag and her family are all bullshitting each other and hiding things beneath the surface in their interactions (some things hidden better than others), but the Priest just talks really straightforwardly and honestly, and it’s

I gave up after 2 or 3 episodes (which, as a huge BoJack Horseman fan, I really should know better than to do); I felt like the voice cast was (mostly) fantastic but the show didn’t have the great chemistry that Futurama did. Leela, Fry and Bender all just made sense as people who would be together (working or

Obviously ‘opinions are like assholes’ etc etc, but I can’t say I agree particularly. Even in those three episodes you mentioned, I was quite bored by Rickmancing the Stone and Pickle Rick - I usually skip those ones if I’m doing a rewatch. The only two episodes I actually really liked were the first one and the

I don’t know about you guys, but I felt like that was a significant drop in quality for season 3 (not for every episode, some were amazing - just not overall), and I don’t know if I’m too excited about it coming back. I’ll watch it, but the thought of new episodes doesn’t excite me like it did a few years ago. Anyone

I’m really enjoying this show so far :)