
Seemed to me though that, barring cobbling together some more powerful broadcasting technology, they’d pretty much already figured out how to drive off the monsters in the last one. Pretty much put on some Slim Whitman albums on eleven on an old Pioneer speaker set a la Mars Attacks and you’ve got yourself a full-bore

On the one hand, I’m still disappointed that the showrunners for the original run let us down and pretty much killed their own show just when it was really building steam and even the network had their back. And hearing that it was ‘restarting’ but then finding out it was really just a rebrand slapped over an entirely

What I love is that this has actual comic book precedent: just look up an old C-tier Spider-Man villain named “Slyde,” who had a super-frictionless ‘teflon’ suit that allowed him to glide over any surface like a speed skater and Spidey’s webbing wouldn’t stick to him.

Seriously, I never wanted to see any film adaptation of this musical anyway, but I was absolutely and forever convinced of the rightness of that thinking when I saw Danny John-Jules (the “Cat” of “Red Dwarf” BBC fame) post on his Facebook that he felt the whole thing was a grotesque disservice to the dancers and

I love it. While I respect the ‘no spoilers’ aspect, what that basically means is this entire article is “Here’s a bunch of vague tweets about the last Star Wars movie...some people liked it, some people didn’t, some people liked some parts and didn’t like others. The End.”

So...if I’m parsing this all out correctly (barely), she is officially fired but not for any clear official reason from Google...except some vague reference possibly to her last code work involving the Always Ask Kent popup...which she had departmental power & autonomy to do & implement...and then boom she’s out on

<Shrug> Go ahead. Steal my info. I have student loans and medical debt. My identity is already theft-proof by being pre-destroyed. Pretty much the same ‘defense’ held by millions of other current Americans. Frankly if someone steals my identity and can open up credit card and loan accounts in my name, they can only be

So let’s see...student assaulted...’resource officer’ fired...people including family will be rightfully outraged, want to sue & apply charges...school & sheriff’s department will point to their disavowal of him via firing...he’ll be humiliated in the local area for about six months...move elsewhere, maybe even as far

I don’t really think the showrunners intended to do an absolute straight adaptation of the book from the beginning. They wanted to explore the more underlying epic and archetypal elements that Gaiman wove into an otherwise straightforward plot. They did that beautifully in season 1. Then season 2 was rocky; they lost

They have, according to similar tweets by the actor Mousa Kraish, fired the Jinn from the show.

Not disparaging that there’s clearly craft and talent involved in this thing, but it looks more like a Mogwai was molested by the Grinch.

So now just keep refining the model detail and the AI’s abilities to distinguish things, up the tech to speed the efficiency of the process...and BOOM! The gaming industry can lay off a good third to half of their already-overworked modelers and just have a handful of stock photographers freelance for them taking pics

You can just go ahead and click on “Dismiss” if it’s your comment the troll has replied to, and they go away. If it’s not your comment, but you see the reply this idiot has posted to try and stir up trouble, just click on “Flag” and report it as the hate speech or harassment it inevitably is. The nice thing about

A tangential thing that also died in 2019 (but turned out all along to have also been fictional): my respect for the showrunning talents of David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.

I am nowhere near technically knowledgeable enough to know what-all it entails, but seems to me like anyone savvy enough to buy and operate such a laser could also be potentially smart enough to figure out how to disable the pulse limitation on the thing and turn it into something truly dangerous. How the hell is this

Seems to me the bigger word to define the last decade of protests is: “futile.”

So...we gonna mention at all that this guy is LENNY FREAKING HENRY (“Chef”), not to mention a guy who was actually a seriously-desired contender to be the Doctor a few regenerations back?

They profit pumping this crap out. It either pumps up their monstrous, infantile base...or outrages the easily-triggered (in which case nothing will actually change, nobody’s losing a Twitter account over it, and the base gets a trollish glee watching the outrage)...or at the very least, it adds more electronic

Hm. Interesting idea. And the comparison to Dune isn’t a bad one, comparing different levels of prescience. I even remember how Paul was practically paralyzed by all the possibilities a number of times, afraid to act at all or risk bringing forth the worst of the outcomes he foresaw.

You bring up another excellent point: that sometimes what he says or does because he’s referencing future events actually influences bringing about the present events that lead to said future (i.e. antagonizing people in a discussion towards an argument even when they become defiant that they will not argue because