“This” is a weird spelling of Ivanka.
“This” is a weird spelling of Ivanka.
Finally, a video that belongs on Deadspin.
“Today is not the day I die” - Oberyn Martell on the die he died
No, you can’t spell fanatic without “fan” but insisting that no one can criticize something unless they can do it better is the dumbest fucking argument ever. By that logic Gordon Ramsey can serve me a burnt steak but until I get 16 Michelin stars of my own I can’t say anything.
You obviously have never met my wife whom has been through two defenders and three S7s.
For real. Everyone I know who cracks screens regularly doesn’t get a case. They say dumb shit like “why would I invest in a beautifully, sleek new phone if I’m just going to cover it up with a clunky case?” Yeah, sure, it’s beautiful and new now, but next week you’ll be swiping on a cracked screen and complaining…
Fuck you.
As far as I know, quaaludes are still schedule I, so cannot be prescribed and only a very limited amount can be produced for research purposes. And aside from recreational use, I know of no other than the original use as a sedative/sleeping aid.
Yes, report on that! Well said, thank you. As a chronic pain patient who has tried every non narcotic pain relief method available including vertebroplasty and a spinal cord stimulator implant that does not touch my pain(oh and the vertebroplasty was botched and cement leaked out into my disc space and next vertebrae…
And yet this douche, with all his love of transparency and self-deprication, can’t even respond to Jezebel’s request for a comment for this article.
MSNBC looks the same as Foxnews if you can’t spell right.
People keep wanting to be in his movies because they’re always nominated for Oscars...because the Academy for ages has been full of old white dudes who love stories about old white dudes dating girls half their age.
I actually didn’t know, and was disappointed in myself. What have the last 15 years been for if not to get stuff like that right.
Nice to see Chris Pratt getting gout and about.
I am very popular, I will have you know.