
I felt like even those great little cameo moments aside, the last two segments of Crisis were a big ‘meh.’ You just can’t quite top the Lucifer cameo, the Smallville and Superman Returns Supes, or the Spectre reveal, or the 1990s Flash sacrifice moments in the first three segments.

This is one of those concepts that I’ve never quite warmed to like other people clearly have. “He’s a guy who can talk to animals.” Sounds fun on paper for about a minute, then when you start really thinking it out, it either becomes silly-stupid or just boring. “He can talk to a fish!” “What does a fish have to say

I got a kick out of it, was definitely pleasantly surprised especially considering how stuff like this is NEVER able to be kept secret with websites and people prying all the time (ie Lucifer’s cameo was no surprise by the time it happened). I even got a chuckle out of briefly seeing the Green Lantern movie was part

Interesting how when it’s guys like Brock Turner raping a woman, the judge is mindful of ‘not ruining the rest of his life’ by too heavy sentencing. And then in THIS instance, go ahead and slam the kid into penitentiary the rest of his natural existence. Gee I wonder what the difference is...

I could actually accept Palpatine but only if there had been ANY indication even REMOTELY even ONCE in ANY of the prequel films where we were given so much loving camera time listening to Ian McDarmid speak in evil, oily tones to make sure we all knew he’d be evil. Not once did we so much as see him take a woman’s

People want to defend the action because it’s hundred-dollar bills, totally forgetting that this behavior was in microcosm perfectly representative of why so many grand charitable efforts fail: because resources are basically tossed out with little to no thought to prioritizing getting them to the people most in need,

I think this was really the most grievous issue of Abrams’ and Co.’s handling of the final part of the saga, because so much hinged on it and also went back to retroactively impact our entire perspective of Rey’s character from her very debut.

I think he might have achieved the closest thing to someone who can apologize for something in the past without trying to excuse or retroactively negate having done or said those same things.

The Big Bang Theory ended very well, with a rather gracious note from Sheldon towards the rest of the main ensemble. Unfortunately it felt a bit too-little-too-late in terms of redeeming the show’s years of racism, elitism and poor nerd culture representation.

We did all we could. We tried new CGI. We tried a more aggressive press junket circuit to promote it. But...look, it’s in pain. If it was my movie, and I loved it as much as you clearly love this one, I wouldn’t want it to keep suffering.

There is always the possibility that biologically speaking, Yoda’s species is somewhat like cats or other mammals that age rapidly to a relative state of maturity, then do so at slower (albeit still relatively faster) rates. The tricky part of trying to put it in our frame of comprehension is that in this comparison,

I always took the Pat gag to be a twist on how obsessed everybody is about gender and sexual identity even when they claim aloud it doesn’t really matter to them (Charles Rocket’s character in the movie adaptation really highlighted this pretty creepily but clearly). The idea was that Pat’s identity didn’t actually

She was beautiful, fractured, funny, sexy, silly, serious, tough, fragile, and the best of them. Our general and our princess. I wish she were still with us.

I believe Guy Pearce nailed it best: “We’ll see how well that body lasts when he doesn’t have Marvel paying for it anymore.” From what I’ve read of Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth’s experiences, Marvel training is a true body nightmare. People constantly monitoring you from eating to shitting like you’re the subject

Let’s be honest: Abrams treated this series like any other sloppy “Oh boy I get to play with this?!” mess, had no real over-arching concepts or story bible to go by, left Johnson basically to try and give some structure to the mess, then abandoned Johnson to the toxic fanbase as he gave them basically the last movie

Biggest flaw that these last three movies had: no clear idea what they wanted to ultimately say and achieve, and thus some coordination between directors of the different installments. And since it was all ultimately under Abrams’ wing, that blame falls completely on him.

I felt like, given her work as SNL’s first really outspoken, you-couldn’t-stick-her-in-a-corner-every-week, amazing black comedienne, Leslie Jones should’ve been brought back in for a cameo or at least monologue appearance here. Nobody deserves it more, in my opinion.

Somehow I think he’s perfectly nailed the experience of seeing this movie: I imagine anyone who has already had to watch this excruciating flick feels definitely like they’ve been put in a deportation process and sent somewhere they don’t really belong or understand, fully against their will.

I keep thinking that it’s not simply that he pardoned people whose families gave him big money...he’s a Republican who was ousted from his job in a time where our entire country’s government—top to bottom—is totally polarized and snarling at each other.