
Several years ago...I think around the time of the Larry Craig “wide stance” incident, I just automatically started assuming that any politician (of any party, but let’s be honest Republican) who takes a stance against something publicly is always, always secretly engaging in the worst of that very thing.

All this. I feel like using the term “Lolita” like it’s some harmless semi-sexual cute coquette kind of term has always meant that we’ve all collectively identified with Humbert in the story...and he’s the one who is deluded into thinking the girl actually wants his grotesque rapey-pedophile advances. No. We’ve gotta

Maybe some progressive-thinking state like Maine or Vermont could have their state legislature successfully pass into law more absolute child support laws for the fathers, starting from conception. And even if the woman ultimately aborts, he has to at least be responsible for the relevant costs and potentially is

Let’s of course not forget that the US is the country where throwing your trash out of your car was so rampant and practically trained into the average American mindset that we had an entire ad campaign of “Iron Eyes” Cody shedding a tear in full stereotypical Indian garb to try and shame us into stopping.

You know what I’ve never heard, not once, in years of seeing or attending St. Patrick’s Day parades with people waving Irish flags and drunkenly hollering “Erin go bragh”?

You know, I’ve dated younger women. I’m in my early forties now...practically half of them by default are younger in that case. And I know that that automatically gets written off as chasing my youth, mid-life crisis crying out, whatever. Fact is, I’m attracted to intelligence and personality as much as looks and

The last several years have shown me that the Founding Fathers were really not nearly explicit enough on a few key things. Like making sure that separation of Church and State was absolute and totally spelled out (NO lobbying, or proposing any legislation based on any ‘moral position’—we don’t need morals or ethics to

“It’s not totally clear...”
“It wouldn’t necessarily...”

These should be written in Latin and added to the Trump Presidential Seal. Everything about this assclown and his Keystone Koppers menagerie of criminal nitwits is always skating along the “not necessarily/maybe not/possibly but not sure/not absolutely proven”

Kroger’s already does so around my town, so does Giant Eagle. Not a big deal. Sometimes I’ll even grab a fork and knife and just eat it from the bag. Saves a plate and the bones and trash are already right there to throw away when I’m done.

I like the new version’s not requiring actual purchasing of things like a pickaxe for the Mining specialty...but I miss the pre-nerfed Druid class abilities and specialty Talent paths you could take. I loved playing a Tauren shaman or druid, I could heal AND play serious tank on many raids and group quests.

“If you need motivation, a self-help book is not what you need. What you really need is for someone to beat you over the head with a golf club nine or ten times. That’ll get you fuckin’ motivated, my friend. Or at least out of bed, find your car keys, shit like that.” — (The Immortal and Nearly Always Still Proven

This is why my partner and I were glad to piss off and ultimately be blacklisted by the local BDSM ‘community’ in our town: too many creepy predators and predator enablers (aka the ‘nice ones’ we were told we should go talk to about our concerns, until they were the people we were concerned about). Too many people on

Means nothing. Not only are they not going to act, I highly doubt that any of them are actually coming to this realization now. They’ve known since he was the winner of their ballot ticket what he was, right down to the last stolen dime of Trump University and rotted flank steak from Trump Steaks. They’re playing out

“Two weeks from now this network is FUCKED.” —John Oliver, two weeks ago

Why shouldn’t they laugh and have a good joke? Neither side of these issues is actually invested with any real stake in it like the rest of us millions of plebeian shlubs, right?

I mean...that’s where it really all comes down to where the cheese binds, right? The real reason why none of this shit seems to get any

Small building. Industrial area of Las Vegas where nowhere convenient to go except out in the parking lot (same problem, smoking coworkers or those who went outside to eat their dismal little sandwiches). In all honesty I think half the time it was as much about THEIR loneliness and misery as it was any perception

One place where I worked was a real misery—I was seriously ill at the time, the job was the only one I was offered after months out of school and desperate to get some income going, so they knew this and socked me with a crap contract which I had to take, and on top of it the facilities were dead archaic and dark,

My understanding was that it’s all a scam from the very opening of his mouth because government-public funding doesn’t work that way. We can donate money for campaigns, we can pay fines/penalties for specific infractions, and for everything else we want the government to do with our money we pay taxes. We don’t get

Which basically means, between a two-thousand-year-old fantasy cult pile of horseshit, and a decades-long, if not centuries-entrenched, system of elite power control and annexing via corporate/military/industrial interests corrupting the democratic structure...we’re screwed.

A shame. I like the guy. I’ve liked his performances, and I was really digging his steampunk/Gothic take on “Dracula” during its too-short run. I’ve always worried his personal history was going to overwhelm him but recent interviews of him showed he’s really into his little boy and being a father now.