
I’m a heavyset guy living in a moderate temperate climate area (Ohio), and I don’t do too much strenuous stuff regularly but I work up a decent sweat when doing some heavy housecleaning, putting up shelves around the house, etc. And I work an office job.

“Here’s your six month pass. It’s not as good as a hard pass, it only allows you seasonal access to the main park and some of the water slide rides, but NOT the Oktoberfest Sausage Buffet or the Slalom River Slow-Boat ride. And doesn’t give you early admission to the con meet-and-greet tables where John Barrowman and

No one can teach or explain empathy to you if you don’t already get it by now.

So...that’s really it. We’ve lost.

Holy shit, for once the military’s own internal justice system DIDN’T utterly fail, fuckup or cover the whole embarrassment up, they actually did the RIGHT thing, and of course President Bonespurs McCheetoshits pretty much just wiped the thing clean for this assclown embarrassment? Wonderful.

It’s all part of the playbook for conservatives.

What I’m really trying to suss out is...if you already are making a movie based on a video game/cartoon designed character that is a semi-anthropomorphic electric blue hedgehog in sneakers...why are you doing this bizarre “semi-kinda-realistic-not-really-but-truly-butt-ugly” hybrid look? To make it look ‘more’

For every Detective Pikachu, you get this (at least at the trailer stage). It’s like how, whenever I see Netflix saying “Because You Watched This...” I interpret it as a disdainful judgment.

Jesus, look I know that Twitter/social media in general has apparently become the new medium for what are really old blustery bullshit remarks (banging shoes on UN lecterns or boastful PR “press conference” announcements and such used to be the method of the past). But seriously...it’s getting to where the biggest

Can’t find it. Did she delete it...?

It’s not ridiculous that Jon didn’t try and immediately assuage Daeny that he doesn’t want the throne even if he has legit claim to it over her.

First off:

1. Look at Jon’s history. “I don’t wanna be the Night Commander.” “You’re the Night Commander!” “I don’t wanna be King of the North” “You’re the King of the North!”

Weird....I mean, it’s pretty blatant to favor companies. I’m no expert, but even I’ve seen enough to understand that when you buy into a franchise in the 21st century, you’re pretty much putting up a ton of your own money to invest in a mega corporation’s collective honey pot. But that means you also are completely

Never mind Walmart or Drew Barrymore...just looking at the product line alone, how the fuck is this any different than the smorgasbord of shit you already find at Walmart/World Pottery/Pier 1/flea markets/Salvation Army/goodwill outlets now? All that’s missing is a couple of Jane Fonda workout VHS cassettes and a set

Every time somebody scoffs and insists at how ‘developed’ we are in this current age, I point to shit like this happening over and over—including Scientology—and I don’t say a word.

Don’t forget the recent e-scooter craze. The whole ‘dockless’ scooter system from groups like Jump, Bird and Lime is already cresting and beginning to dip into the final crash. Bird especially is guilty of this: they’ve already been handed investment capital pushing nearly a billion, and recently started sniffing

Totally on their own merits? C’mon, dude, they literally couldn’t even run a lemonade stand as kids without their dad’s employees chipping in to pretend like it was real.

I guess we can’t ask Meghan then about her mom making fake racist child kidnapping anecdotes or calling the cops on mixed-race families (other than her own).

I follow him on Instagram and the moment I started seeing the Jeebus stuff about a few months back...yeah I kind of sighed sadly and said “Well, there he goes...lost to the dogmatic lunacy.” I was hoping it was a minor thing, something that just boosted him through the post-Anna breakup stuff...but yeah he appears to

I fully admit that I’ve reached the age where I’m no longer remotely culturally relevant nor up to date (I’m “I don’t know what that song is that Weird Al is parodying” years old). But even I was noting this episode and going “Wait, who the hell is Halsey?” All other past music/main hosts for SNL have at least had an

Missus McCain used the Paper Bag Test and the two-tone didn’t pass. So call the coppers! What a fucking tool. Brian Williams gets blasted on NBC (rightfully) but Miss Rich White War Hero Widow is just a social media ‘oopsie my bad’? Fuck this country.