
You state an admirable proposal but it comes from severely flawed assumptions.

Thanks, same to you as well. Sorry we got off on the wrong foot originally.

I also appreciate that I’m in the exact same category to not only be the worst victim-shamer if I say anything about “keep a level head and let’s sort out of it this is true” but also one of the statistically most likely offenders in such

Disappointing but not entirely surprising. Is there any member of the original SNL cast still alive today who doesn’t have some sort of deep-rooted issues going on? Dan Ackroyd is a disturbingly gullible conspiracy theory/UFO/Men in Black believer. Chevy Chase is...Chevy Chase. Garrett Morris may be the most sound of

I ultimately decided not to go into the teaching profession—despite a deep love for it and, I was told many times, a real talent for it—because I took a long, hard look at myself. A cisgender, married, heteronormative white middle-class male? I’d be eaten alive if even one student got pissed at me for a bad grade and

Hmmmm. I honestly hadn’t thought of that. You’re right, if it was deliberate it was absolutely freaking perfect.

You know...I’ve been thinking more and more lately...that we need a “Punisher” styled vigilante who doesn’t simply go after the street-level drug dealers or pushers or violent assaulters against the innocent...not that those things aren’t valuable and to be cheered...but to simply, coldly, calculatingly, methodically

I thought there was some feeble movement arguing we should be trying to take it back from the alt-racist jackholes that had appropriated it?

What’s really kinda puzzling to me is: they got the address correct just enough that it reached a neighbor, but not the EXACT address.

Now I’m wondering if Mnuchin has things in place that monkey with his actual location details on any accessible records (kind of like Cheney not letting Google show his house in their

Quick question: is it 2017? And did she wake up only recently after a decades-long deep coma?

Yes it is? And no she didn’t? Then fuck her, she’s a racist piece of shit. No way you can wear what looks to be clearly a full chest-and-head bust of literally a “blackamoor” and not have a clue what that could come off as in

I think a good deal of what you see though as ‘damned’ whether you ‘do’ or ‘don’t’ is still the lingering by-product of the toxic slanted atmosphere that historically allowed guys to behave this poorly just as an everyday accepted behavior. What some are calling ‘damned’ now is just the consequences of poor,

“Are you ever embarrassed that even TJ Maxx doesn’t want your clothes?”
“Do you need to talk to someone about...what your dad does to you?”
“Didn’t you used to have a sister named Tiffany?”
“What’s it like being married to Kanye?”
“It’ll get better.”
“I don’t understand. You’re wearing hose. My Dad says you’re always on

Actually, yeah, my apologies. You’re absolutely right. Somehow I forgot about the action verb as someone performing the behavior and totally mis-read that. My bad. Apologies for being an ass on that.

Although I will say: anytime someone speaks up in a discussion like this with a proposal that only allows unacceptable

Okay, well honestly...yeah, I’m gonna give you the harsher truth here.

And I can’t speak for the columnist here, but I hope you can appreciate where *I* am actually coming from. Because my wife was herself an exotic dancer, adult performer and even escort for over ten years out in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, all well


Honest question here: why do people always want to oversimplify it to unacceptable options and never countenance the idea that there are better options that don’t force things into a reductionist straw man argument to avoid real responsibility and critical thinking?

I’ve never bought into this jackass’ song and dance. People acted like he was such a documentarian messiah for Super Size Me when in reality it was some of the sloppiest, laziest, uncorroborated and poorly-researched works I’ve ever seen. Eating nothing but junk food for one month but not taking the care to really

Yup, now we reach the secondary backlash wave of men being caught for their crap: preemptive self-deprecation and self-abasement strike. Which lets them dominate and shape the tone and format of the response. THEY are sorry, THEY will take responsibility, THEY have seen the error of their ways in THEIR own manner, and

Also: Porghub

Hey, by the way, speaking of that lovely little Jedi Temple island...

...consider this: they wrote that whole “Chewbacca spit-roasting and about to slurp down cooked Porg” scene so you could entirely give the “awwwwwww-lol” moment of the Porgs’ cutely horrified reactions as they guilt-sicken Chewie into giving up his

George Carlin would officially be spinning in his grave if there was any such thing as an afterlife. “Seven Dirty Words” for TV & radio. Now we don’t have to worry about ‘curse words,’ we have to worry that TrumpCo has made science itself a dirty term. Cripes.