
Ah, but remember that Captain Objective up there’s idea of ‘objectivity’ is to find ANY media figure on the left and make it automatically equate to whatever crazed walking nutsac like Jones is obviously spouting off on the right. I guess nowadays they’ll latch onto Garrison Keillor.

That doesn’t actually work. Fernweh is a wanderlust, a desire to travel or experience another place. It doesn’t refer in any way to the abstract of having an idealized desire towards a place you have no quantitative or experiential basis for feeling.

I’ve heard the rather cynical opinion (voiced by several women) that “Women by and large hate other women if they’re not in some way directly related to them or in some shared frame of reference/experience with them.” Meaning basically if it’s not your daughter that you absolutely get along swimmingly with, or one of

Well, looks like he’ll be able to give Satan a piece of his mind in person now.

And hey other Republicans who are waiting to get caught with child porn on your computers or underage kids in your motel rooms...take some good notes. #SquadGoals

I prefer to live by the philosphy of Diogenes Pendergast: kill your enemies with all possible cruelty, precision, and joy at the sound of their lamentations.

Also, objective usually refers to intelligently remaining open to the evidence, not just automatically treating everything as robotically equal. It involves critical thinking. Something pretty clearly you’re not really up for this side of the grownup line, Slappy. But good try.

Also: (golf clap) Good trolling, sir, well played.

Sounds like you’d know. Real objectivity would not be to draw false parallels between people protesting a globally threatening, compromised president and winning over a racist, bigoted pedophile in a key state.

So you claim to be not pro-Trump, yet you’re still using their side’s false equivalency of people who don’t like the clear and present danger his presidency has been to this country to not being ‘good winners’ over a pedophile in Alabama being narrowly defeated when it should never have even been so close to begin

HA! I’m just kidding. They never are silenced.

I sensed a sudden disturbance in the Farce...as if a million pedophile-cheering bigots were crying out in anguish...and then were silenced...

Or, y’know, you could just not play infantile idiotic Japano-trash games about Mighty Morphin’ Michael Vick fictional animal enslavement and go outside and interact with real people. Or just masturbate to real porn and get it over with.

It’s variable.

Yeah, I think MacDonald was oversimplifying the concept as a more colloquial application. The ‘world-anguish’ of things never living up to reality from mind would seem a decent comparison to the idea of having an idealized homesick feeling for a place you only know as a mental impression and have no real idea if it

Yup, that’s the term! Thanks for catching the misspell, though. It’s been forever since I last read the Travis McGee novel that featured it. Looks like I was close at least.

The Germans tend to have some really nice complex ones. I always liked weltschmertz, which is roughly “homesickness for a place you’ve never actually been.” Learned that one from reading Travis McGee novels. And of course the French have the lovely esprit d’escalier or “spirit of the staircase,” which is that feeling

This is what it’s come to. The White House just hiring shouting, hollering, bellowing calves one after another to try and keep going until they pop a vein and have to step down for the next fresh-throated scum-tunnel to go blasting out at us like the proverbial Nor’easter winter wind.

Dunkirk...was going to see that, but I was sick that afternoon and missed it in theaters. All the Money in the World? Uhhh...man...I barely heard of the Spielberg one...I heard good things about Three Billboards...but yeah, Jordan was screwed.

Not going to happen. He’s not resigning, they’re not investigating, absolutely zero is going to change this train from its current tracks.

And Booker and others talking about Franken doing the “honorable thing” is such a double slap. Franken was willing to stay in office and still fight for the American people over

I’m not one of the 53, but I suddenly have an urge to make a horrific tweet in reply saying “A Netflix employee molested me as a child, so I can only be consoled watching this one precious movie repeatedly until the pain subsides.”

As long as Netflix thinks this shit is so hilariously funny.