
Thing is, I’ve been friends with a number of comedians throughout the years (I hesitate to call myself a ‘comedy groupie,’ but I’m definitely the occasional roadie). From guys like Doug Stanhope and Sean Rouse to Mitch Hedberg and so on, I’ve gotten to see a lot of goings-on as a sort of mascot-butt of the

So if half those sources are now defunct, can we maybe get a somewhat up-to-date list of who’s problematic? Louis CK, okay...Woody Allen and Roman Polanski...duh...Weinstein...okay, updating...Cosby...Trump...how about Bryan Singer and his apparent love of Hollywood-arranged naked boy pool parties? Okay...now add Joss

I guess it’s just me. But I like the idea as an abstract. In practice, it’s just so much barely-tempo-driven MIDI noise to me.

While it’s not entirely in the same vein, your article reminded me crazily enough of an episode of Quantum Leap when Sam first leapt into a black man in the segregated South of the 1950's, very much a “Driving Miss Daisy” dynamic with an elderly white Southern belle.

Long live the old flesh!

Other possible marketing names that could’ve been used:

The Hoffman Enigma
The Hoffman Huh?
The Chevy Optimist
The Hoffman Paradox
The Hoffman Hindenburg
The Hoffman Holy Shitballs
The Hoffman Fuhrer
The Hoffman Horrorshow
The Hoffman Hurl
The Hoffman Deathimator

It’s like someone saw Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Car and decided “I could beat that easily with a box of hobbykit tools and old sheet metal, and a little bit of good ole’ German not-know-how.”

The infidelity is about the lying, not the romance or the sex or whatever it is going on. If you lie or act to hide it, THAT is the problem. It represents a fundamental lack of trust or communication in a relationship. Period. All the rest is quibbling about degrees of offense (“Anyone but HER would have been fine!”

Aw man, is that “E.T.”’s Henry Thomas playing her dad for the flashbacks? Eewwwwwww...

Is that an oompah gang band or more like a heavy metal gang band?

The only “absolutes” my partner and I hold to are total honesty—even to the point where it might cause us to lose less-principled people we considered friends—and total disclosure with that honesty. And no sense of propriety element over any other grown adult. Everything else is so much spreadsheet arranging of

“Who was that hot Asian chick?”
“I think you know.”

Even worse: in Super Mario, when Mario was jumping on top of the turtleshells to then pick them up to throw, he was actually intended to squat down and force them into his own anus to then projectile-eject them at the goombas.

So apparently the NBA President declared that there’d be consequences for any players who protested ‘in defiance of NBA rules’?

If I’m reading that statement correctly, does that mean there is literally an NBA rule or set of rules dictating what physical posture you have to be in during the playing of the national

I have direct friends and colleagues who went to PR this past year to live and teach there, and are amongst the many who are currently dispossessed of shelter and basic resources and actually FACEBOOKING back to those of us in the states to do and send what support we can to help them.

Individual victims are using what

I never followed up on the outcome of this event...did Red Bull give him wings at the last second?

I think Professor Asshat McNevergetlaid is mistaking Backpage prices for sociological research.

I’ll never really know. I don’t flush them. I’ve always just naturally assumed that dark nether-demons from Toilet Hell rise up, screaming with the howls of damned souls forever doomed to serve as fecal gatherers for Beezlebub, Lord of Flies & Offal, and snatch at my Number Twos to feast on them with disgusted but

I was a little unsurprised but pleasantly satisfied with Alien Abduction 2 this time...but only for 3 things: 1. Kate McKinnon 2. Kate McKinnon 3. Cecily Strong’s utterly unbreakable composure opposite everyone else’s near-complete loss of bodily function as McKinnon simulated a rimjob on a shaking Gosling.

I agree

You mean like how major stock houses trade in currency exchange rates, aka arbitrage? Pretty sure all currency is now, in fact, a form of investment, or else there wouldn’t be a need for anything like an ‘exchange rate.’ After all, exchange/conversion rates are an attempt to try and give a relative equivalence value