We are lost. All is lost.
We are lost. All is lost.
I agree that it felt more like some movie written to some other idea that was then just shoehorned with the King character names and rough dynamic. Jake was completely the wrong point of view to shift the storyline to, it completely lacked any of the epic grandeur or surrealistic Western-meets-ancient-saga feel of the…
I still subscribe to the John Oliver theory that there is only one Olsen who vibrates at superhuman speeds and via persistence of vision only appears to be two sisters.
I’ve stuck them all over my body and then run around barbecues savagely assaulting myself with peoples’ corn on the cob, then disdainfully and haughtily flinging the desecrated cobs back into their horrified faces as if daring them to try and eat them, or even glowering at them and leaning over the table and demanding…
One of my heroes, the late great comedian Bill Hicks, died in 1994 of an aggressive pancreatic cancer that took him within a few months of diagnosis. Though it wasn’t a physical symptom of his illness, he too stopped speaking well before his actual death. He’d effectively said all he had to say, in his own estimation.…
I love that it murders my enemies, and plots against those relatives whom I hate the most. And at night, it cradles and talks to me in soothing voices until I fall asleep. One day it will make me pancakes. And there will come soft rains....
Dear God, I hate to even invoke it, but this Act sounds like one of the nightmarish artificial-business-balancing stunts you read about in Ayn Rand novels.
So when do they start calling this “KING OF QUEENS: THE REVENGE”?
How much anyone bet me that “Rocket Man” is KJU’s code-name in various briefing memos that Trump or Miller have scanned and the idiot just started using it thinking of it as yet another ‘trendy catchphrase’ rather than a code name from a classified freaking document?
I’m picturing Chris Pratt sitting before two big heaping Alfred Hitchcock-size-servings of Beef Stroganoff and just crying silently while galluping them down and licking the platters clean of gravy, inarticulately roaring for servers to terrifyingly bring him more flagons of heavy red dessert wine.
Also: I thought Will…
You’re arguing that Dick Gregory as an entertainer and popular activist who did in fact appear on television at least a few times and overall made a lasting impact on comedians after him like Chris Rock, Richard Pryor and George Carlin (all of whom DID have TV shows) isn’t worth at least a nominal television mention?…
Heeeeeeey...wait a second...that brings up another point now that I think about it...THEY are the only ‘authority’ as to whether this hack actually affects you or not. And they are happy to point you to their product for the ‘solution.’
How do we have any idea or way to objectively check that they’re not lying and…
Dick Gregory’s son has more than ample reason to be pissed. Gregory not being mentioned in the “In Memoriam” is a crime and an embarrassment to the program. It’s not like he died last night. They’ve had enough time to have at least cobbled together a quick video snip and his name and years on it. Gregory was an…
Still pretty sleazy to tell me their security may have leaked my info, but then the only option on their site is to click and conveniently sign up for their service, free first year or not.
You can pretty much add her pin to the overall chart that graph-lines the decline of any pretense of human progress or development. Cancer? Yup, still here. Elderly and sick and poor disdained and still exploited in a first-world nation replete with the resources to help them? Yup. But we’ve at least got iPhone X and…
The marketing may be partly what’s also killing it amongst more savvy film viewers. To me it just looked like “Rosemary’s Baby” meets an M. Night Shama-lama-ding-dong piece of pan-and-bore crap.
Fun fact: this is Stephen King’s idea of his writing study in hell.
Taft did, however, privately enjoy eating entire roasted Filipino children.
Pass it around.
So in that second scenario, this person was experienced enough to even sarcastically remark on how they knew things were going to end up...yet still naive-stupid enough to go ahead and make long-term, expensive plans with this same person? Somebody’s not as worldly and street-smart as they think they are.
This is a thing? I can ONLY poop with people watching. Preferably on the Lakers Jumbotron screen during playoffs.