
TL, could barely read. Never cared for her or her attempts at music. All this really seems to boil down to is: another privileged white girl tried to finagle herself into fifteen minutes of fame and proved she barely has fifteen seconds worth of talent and got treated as such since she didn’t have a Kardashian to

Wow. You tell a pregnant woman with a cheating husband to at least have him stick around long enough to ‘punish’ him with helping with the initial child-rearing. I’m astounded that you think a living human newborn is apparently a perfect punishment tool against another person for their infidelities and not, you know,

Can I ask one question, though...for years, this keeps being debated and denounced and vilified to one degree or another.

I’m not going to defend that a writer of King’s caliber couldn’t have considered some other way to present it.

But many, many, MANY other works, written by both female and male writers, have used

I don’t know what it is, but when that baby hits 88 miles per hour...you’re gonna see some serious shit.

“Doesn’t Rush Limbaugh remind you of one of those gay guys who likes to lay in a tub while other men pee on him?”

That was Bill Hicks. Who died in 1994 of pancreatic cancer. Meanwhile Limbaugh is still alive. If I wasn’t already an atheist I’d need no other proof there is no God than that.

Obama spent eight solid years trying to fix their problems and the Republicans they voted into office spent it pretty clearly blocking or making things worse for them, and they still voted Trump. Admit that it was about racism more than anything else. It was always about skin color and xenophobia and homophobia and

Fact is, the Republicans definitely had one thing down that the Democrats didn’t: they didn’t try and artificially prop their party’s ‘preferential’ candidate like Jeb Bush onto the ticket. When Trump won the ticket, he won the ticket. Bernie had a good chance except the DNC kept screwing with the representation of

Well okay, but I’d say the book compensates by having him poisoned then effectively eaten alive by a bunch of compys...basically the rabid raccoons of the dinosaur world.

I’m sorry, I thought all these mockumentary shows were boring as fuck-all. Parks & Rec replaced the far-funnier and better My Name is Earl, and The Office’s only boon was that Carrell left for better stuff but it also introduced the world to Rainn Wilson.

(interested....) (really interested...) (excited...) (REAL EXCITED) (REALLY EXCITED)
(OH YEAH!) (no longer interested)

I call them the Apocalypse. Just like everything else associated with this shitstorm country-hick-turned-nuclearmess. Doesn’t everyone else?

Getting really, really tired of people with poorly-conceived, oblivious ideas or crap execution of same who then try and salvage some small pathetic percentage of redemption by claiming they’re at least helping initiate “the conversation.” The conversation is already being discussed, folks; just because you were

Ask your mom.

I have to believe at this point, after all the years and really awful obvious gaffes like this, that it boils down to: the Republicans are rich but like most rich and power-seeking, they’re horrifically cheap at paying out for goods and services. And since they also give science and technology the back of their hand,

All I can think right now are all those horribly Photoshopped porn video case designs where they show the petite girls looking up in horror as the shadow of a massive tool eclipses their face. I believe the most popular series is called “YOU WANT ME TO SWALLOW THE WHOLE THING?” (20 volumes).

They will band together to fight the evils of Scientology. ROAD TRIP!

Please...dear...Jesus...for the love of GOD...someone...ANYONE...tell me why...just...fucking...WHY...are we supposedly to remote care?!?

Seriously, can anyone please tell me why any of us are supposed to give a single copper-plated shit about this woman in any fashion?