
Not ranty at all. There’s not much of a clear-headed, point-to-point way of looking at all this anymore that doesn’t sound pretty quickly like raving madness, because in large part it is.

The so-called ‘benefits’ of ‘spreading democracy,’ ‘getting the oil,’ ‘defending US safety,’ hell even good old fashioned revenge on

Works for me. Maybe some Christmas lights, just the white small-bulb kind...to really set it off...

This is just a general question, not necessarily attached to a specific administration since this war began, or really pretty much the War of the Middle East that we just pick one country or the next to add to the list...when I look at the casualty numbers and I look at footage of many of the blasted or war-torn areas

Maybe I’m just doing it wrong, then. Googly-eyes: yea or nay?

Next week’s op-ed:

I got ready for work, went outside a few minutes early, used my filter to look up, too cloudy to see much but the usual fiery ball of whitish light. Meh.

With the last decade of really high-profile celebrity breakups specifically due to cheating issues, I’ve been wondering why we have yet to hear of more open/poly marriages amongst the Hollywood community. I realize it’s not considered the most typical format for two people to share lives, but it does exist (I know at

The only tricky part of brown-bagging it to my work is that typically that means I’m eating somewhere on-property. There’s not exactly a conveniently walkable-distance pretty spot to go idly sit and enjoy my lunch (and wouldn’t be practical in heavy winter or rain anyway). So eating indoors in my work place means I

Trust me...a lot of people you meet on average via work at your lunch break aren’t worth it.

Just as infuriating as the buyers getting ripped off are the real makers/creators/artists. Several of my books are always listed online by Amazon third party sellers with “used copies” available, at significantly marked-up prices from their new rates. But these books are published through Print-on-Demand CreateSpace

Yeah, I watched it already.

No spoilers. Just going to say: holy. Crap. Holy. Freaking. Crap.

Some fans are gonna be sad-jacking it as their theories are horribly validated. That is all.

Definitely a powerful statement on how deeply white oppression affected much of black cultural dynamic that there was yet that remaining underlying aspect that even in the worst cases of black slaveowners it’s clear that a strong motivator to their doing so—not just the avarice and sadism involved—was that it

Seriously, though, I get that this was all a pressure-cooker thing and a splitsecond decision...but the drawbridges I’ve seen typically split at one relatively thin point. Meaning that as the bridge was rising, either he was right on the very edge to necessitate gunning it, or he had a little lead space...in which

You give a succinct denunciation of Fey’s call to non-action...but where is your thought-out response justifying action? From what I’ve seen just on an informal basis... the “Occupy” movement got a lot of people tased and pepper sprayed and arrested...and resulted in virtually zero action. The outcry of voter

What makes this idiot practice of obvious blame-shifting onto people wanting to be paid a livable wage so obvious, and what further makes these billionaire ‘captains of industry’ look so stupid and petulant for doing it, is that in every other sensible, classic capitalist system...you take what it COSTS you to do

Keeping a “gratitude journal” sounds exactly like the kind of thing that will just turn into easy bullet-point pundit-fodder on FOX or InfoWars when they need yet more exaggerated crap ideas and stereotypes of the reasonable side to stir up the moron pot.

Then again, they’re going to do that with anything and

“I live north of the Arctic. Very exclusive neighborhood. Santa’s not even allowed to sublet there.”

“Where are you in Cleveland?”
“In...the...uh...north end.”
“You live in the middle of Lake Erie?”

I had a funny incident happen on OKCupid a while back...I was interested in a woman, we had a mutual “like,” so I took the chance to then message her (I typically only like someone, wait to see if they reply in kind, then try to contact...just to try and minimize my faux pas factor). She said she liked me and we got

The Scarecrow design is impressive, and I like that it incorporates elements of an almost preternatural monstrous look with the chemical weaponry at the heart of the character’s methodology. Other than that, though, I don’t see much originality to the other designs. They’re good, very well executed, but don’t seem to