And just for anyone who needs a credible source cited for this opinion:
And just for anyone who needs a credible source cited for this opinion:
No hats, okay, but you’d think they’d at least more frequently use some sort of face wraps or scarves.
The only sad note to all this—other than the animals themselves—is that it’s PETA doing the talking and giving the figurehead forum for Dinklage and others. PETA is absolutely one of the worst and most hypocritical of groups with respect to animal welfare. They’re all for screaming about animal rights and freedom and…
“Where do you see yourself in five years?”
“Applying for my 501st job...most likely in ditch sweeping by a disreputable nuclear waste facility.”
The overall feeling I get nowadays is a general desire to treat Trump and his ilk as at a remove, like they don’t really have any true down-to-the-ground impact on my life except in the most airy abstract how you might be affected if a massive tower’s top floors decided to suddenly fall on you, but you’d…
I’ve met someone through pretty much all the major dating sites/platforms. And I’ve made a few friends, and also met some horrendous, mentally and emotionally stunted people with serious problems who also seem to somehow have found each other online to become friends and thus mutually reinforce for each other that…
I truly think that his appeal is primarily a combination of nice-idiot likeability that a lot of the celebrities appreciate because they and their management want the stars to look smarter/handsomer/generally less clueless than the host when promoting the latest project, mixed in with a sort of goofy open awe even now…
“These were US soldiers...!”
...who fought on the side that wanted to keep slavery.
“This is about the sovereignty of states..!” be allowed to have slavery.
“This is about not letting them rewrite our history...!” include and emphasize that it involves slavery.
Love that Kal Penn tweeted to ask Twitter if Trump’s post doesn’t constitute a threatening post meaning it violates the TOS and warrants taking away his Twitter account.
Please, oh please let Twitter follow through on’s a private company, not a federal service, he’s not ‘promised’ a Twitter feed of his…
Not the single bomb in and of itself. But the device hitting would set off all other factors of US strike response, not to mention depending on weather conditions how the fallout will move, that would render the US life as we know it over.
I also highly recommend you start a thorough relaxing yoga regimen, focusing on the ability to contort yourself forward, under and up. So you can just kiss your ass goodbye.
If he’s supposed to feel so goody-good and warm and orange-fuzzy, and if they’re striving so hard to flood his shriveled frontal lobes with all this propagantastic positivity, how then does this walking nectarine smear still get access to all the anger-inducing headlines and real news that he then spastically…
With any luck, when the bombs start flying, Trump will rush to his underground nuclear bunker...and as the countdown for the last few seconds before first strikefall clicks by, he’ll notice that all the contractor marks for who built the thing are all firms he screwed for payment.
I’ve seen this at a local prestigious art college (no jokes please) with the current crop of roughly 18-22-year-olds that are going through this process. They’re just...utterly lost. And what’s more, they seem to feel this is where they’re entitled to be. Nearly the entire school is talented people coming from fairly…
And yet I’ve been literally (actually usage) screamed at in a discussion where I suggested that using the term ‘gay’ to mean ‘stupid’ is not automatically homophobic, merely an example of the word undergoing yet another transition of meaning as it did when it originally meant ‘happy’ and became more connotatively…
Haven’t seen the movie yet, but have to take some issue with all the brouhaha about this being the first prominent female lead action hero type.
First off: I’d argue easily that Ellen Ripley already is well established as a realistic, independently-empowered figure with her own sense of agency who very much takes on an…
Want to REALLY impress that escort who just thought you were some schlub with a by-the-hour notell-motel coffin space? Show her the Presidential Suite at that disenfranchised EconoLodge Plus by the airport! UPGRADE! You’ll feel like a big spender as you both awkwardly say goodbye over the continential breakfast cold…
It’s almost (ALMOST) hilarious how badly obvious this guy is at the usual political obfuscating and ignoring and avoiding. Waters pierces right through that overblown water balloon of bloviating nonsense every time perfectly. But the fact that this guy tries to awkwardly word-judo her invoking her right by then…
The Black Plague idea is good, but I wonder how much people would want to watch yet another show that in some way makes white people the ‘struggling underdog hero’ side of the conflict. We’ve had white heroes and underdogs and protagonists plenty for...well, since at least the Black Plague. Making African populations…
Meanwhile, President Carter was busy at 92 still hammering away to build more homes for the homeless and underserved of this country, after being discharged from a dangerous bout of dehydration caused by his previous long stint of building more homes...yeah, yeah, Resident Trump is REAL presidential, just like Lincoln…