
Really, really wish people would try and comprehend that despite all the heavy salesmanship for wifi this and Bluetooth that, it’s still all a glorified bunch of radio signals. And relatively limited frequencies at that. People seem to really assume wifi is just this miraculous Tesla-blessed setup that will work

I’d sincerely like to accept your take on this, I truly would.

But unfortunately, the last sixteen years of obstructionist, backroom-dealing, shadow-chamber, outright thievery and deceptive campaigning on the part of the Republicans has left me bereft of any belief that anything they do will actually be stopped if the

It’s easy to say that when you’re not 72 yet. Wait to see what shape you’re in, then decide if life is worth living. I have a terminal illness that causes me literally constant pain to one degree or another. I just turned 40 in March. They told me I wouldn’t see that birthday, much less this coming Christmas. Some

A really dark and cynical part of me says “No, if he hadn’t died then, there would have still been about a thousand other opportunities for some police officer or other redneck to shoot him, frame him for a crime to put him in jail for life, arrest him on some charge that a white person would just get community

It’s a fairly obvious strategem that they’ve been far more subtle about in past years but now have no fear of keeping out in the open thanks to their now-rabid and more polarized base: the more ignorant, sick and embattled a given population is, the more zealously they will fight for any little leisure or comfort or

“Here’s the deed and the keys...now remember: I may randomly come knocking on the manager’s office door, any time day or night, without warning, and demand of you to show me the clowns. Enjoy!”

Crap. It’s nevre Sallie Mae/Navient. It never freaking is. I swear those people keep THEIR records in one of those eternal salt-mine-turned-archive holes where nothing ever intrudes or gets lost. It’s like the Library of Congress of crushed futures.

So Watson hates the new female Doctor too, huh?

Can’t wait for when the AIs are a little more matured and try to handle incorporating non-binary, asexual, genderqueer, genderfluid, and all the rest of the spectrum. Given that many humans haven’t gotten their shit together with those ideas, AIs will probably break down and cry digital tears.

Hoes at the door!
Hoes at the door!


“by telling the truth.”

I don’t think you have this point quite right.

Look at the ‘remorseful’ Trump voters. They didn’t care about his hatred or his nonsense and his history. They only cared that he told them all the lies they wanted to hear, and didn’t consider that they were in fact lies until they found themselves

My point is that if it takes you that much effort to even get it set up and approved, you need to be thinking and playing out this scenario mentally well before you have anything set up. Once you’ve gone through all that, either your bosses will expect you to suck it up and stick with it, or they’ll decide that your

Or you could, y’know, show him how to play the game from start and let him learn the thing from the ground up. The way you and everybody else learns to play the game. Instead of giving a love-diatribe about how delightfully your kid is toasting your hours of effort.

Or move on from video games and you and the kid go

Is it at all bitterly hilarious that halfway down this article as I was reading about Disney and Anaheim’s callous disregard for the homeless I come to a Disney ad embedded on the page?

I truly think that there was a good portion of people who didn’t vote for Trump simply because they didn’t like Hilary or the Democratic position. Look at all the ‘remorseful voters’ who now realize how screwed they are under him. No, I firmly believe based on looking at the numbers and the reactions of various groups

I watched it, but it sorta lacked the charm of the original show. It was trying to update to be too slick and set in the modern Hollywood Burbank-studio late-night show format. Basically instead of being a wild stage-show-turned-tv-production like the original, with all the backstage homey feel of an old-time stage

Do all the ‘research’ and compile all the data you want for making your case. Chances are good that a.) your immediate boss or couple bosses up don’t set company policy where this is concerned, and/or b.) nobody is going to be on your side to telecommute if their jobs never let them have the same possibility. Nobody

While it’s true that cases like this get handled very differently than when the racial profile involved is...shall we say a little darker? Don’t expect the cops to end up determining anything different. Ultimately most of them have a “we versus they” mentality, with the public being ‘they.’ They’ll certainly look to

The biggest complaint I have about the “tiny house missionaries” who want to brag their ‘success stories’ to others is that they tend to leave out a LOT of things that will very definitely impact one of their ‘converts’ in trying the same approach.

One of the biggest sins? You’ll hear ‘success stories’ about the young