I’m sorry...I saw the heading and clicked thinking maybe I’d recognize her but...nope. Don’t know her. Fine with that. Not even gonna bother Googling to find out why I should theoretically care. Let her go make crap pottery with my blessing.
I’m sorry...I saw the heading and clicked thinking maybe I’d recognize her but...nope. Don’t know her. Fine with that. Not even gonna bother Googling to find out why I should theoretically care. Let her go make crap pottery with my blessing.
Just from glancing at the photo when it was published, I could see it was an utterly ridiculous claim. The photo was nowhere near clear enough to visually even ascertain it was a woman, much less Amelia freakin’ Earhart.
And here, I can also immediately solve the “mystery” of why this wasn’t better corroborated first:…
I wonder (sniff) what the guy (sniff) was doing (sniff sniff) in the bathroom (snort) for those couple of minutes (sniff) that could have then (sniff SNIFF) caused him to come bolting out (sniff) in a panic and trying to open an emergency hatch (sniff SNOOOOOORT) on a flying plane (SNIFF) and seem impervious to blows…
Frankly the ‘cinnamon challenge’ looks like a more proven pick-me-up effect than snorting cocoa with caffeine. Why did we get so tired all of a sudden in this world? Oh yeah, because nearly everything on a day-to-day level sucks.
“We used to watch pornography. Now it was the Horschach collection.”
“If I saw something clever—like a coffee table in the shape of a yin-yang—I had to have it.”
“I had become a slave...to the IKEA nesting instinct.”
Not surprising. A few months back, I went to the Hills Market Downtown here in Columbus, OH. I had an unfortunate experience in that I perceived the the young woman who excused herself when I went to the desserts counter, and had me wait for someone else to come along to finally help me, was made uncomfortable by the…
Oh for crying out loud...first off...have you considered that there are, in fact, white people in these things? I’m not saying that they aren’t more than adequately represented, that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that sometimes, you have a prominent character who has been established in a certain way.
Yes, it would…
No matter what, though, remember: no eating gas station vending machine egg salad sandwiches.
“What’s that black cracker?” “Oh that’s the sun-dried tomato!”
Emanuel just loves to flaunt those ‘stick to it, by the bootstraps, tough love’ sounding ideas at a larger social or economic structural level, but typically fails to see the bigger picture of his own part and the administration’s duty to make sure there’s an infrastructure in place to warrant such demands on the…
In Las Vegas, we called it “McCirque,” because every freaking major casino resort apparently has a Cirque show (LOVE, Le Reve, O, Zumanity, etc.). Buying up BMG means they’ll now be situated at Luxor as well (which is fine...that Criss Angel “BeLIEve” thing years ago was a joke and Carrot Top should never have had…
Trump’s figuring that history can’t call him a loser if we’re all history by the time he’s through.
With all due respect to the fact that, yes, this guy and his crew have got to go...are we supposed to get, what, all worked up and excited and outraged and hopeful once again that someone’s going to impeach/remove him? With a need and STRESSING ‘bipartisanship’ in this committee?
Bipartisan should just now be an…
Just ask Ermagerd Girl or Jedi Boy or Tron Guy how thrilled they really are to have gone ‘viral.’ I’m sure the short-term burst of seratonin is nothing to the years of embarrassment and avoidance (and likely therapy).
I know it’s a habituation, but I’ve enjoyed milk since I was a kid and am not lactose intolerant (I am suffering terminally advanced Crohn’s Disease, so basically any food or drink now is like trying to push a golf ball through a garden hose, so I may as well enjoy what’s going down my throat before it becomes a…
Plugknuckle Christie wants to have his own beach party while all the taxpayers are shut out for the holiday, huh?
Hey...who’s up for a road trip to Jersey and some beachparty crashing? I’ll bring the ski masks and the Super Soakers full of shark attractant.
I missed all the news reports where I heard that Gambia was a greater threat to us than Iraq or Syria.
I don’t want to hear anyone brag to me anymore about how we’re a melting pot, and a beacon to the rest of the world, and how we lead in innovation and development and blah-blah-NUTPUNCH NUMBER THIRTY-FIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!
The Fyre Festival organizer is being arrested and charged with real crimes?
Let that be a lesson to you, youngsters: if you want to bilk rich jackholes of millions of dollars and deliver nothing for the effort, you better do it on Wall Street or else you’ll be in real trouble.
Personally I’m fine with not having to go find or remember where the f*** a trainer is to get my spells or other aspects learned.
If I have any complaint about WoW, it’s since Cataclysm. Up to WotLK, I was pretty grooved with how things worked. I preferred Tauren or Undead, but really any alt I rolled up, I could have…
Seriously: I can’t keep up anymore with what’s “fake” and a “propped up witch hunt” versus what’s supposedly real according to Trump. First there was massive voting fraud but in favor of Hillary, and the Russian collusion of hacking and influencing the vote was fake (including his on-record invitation to the Russians…
You touched lightly on the issue of ‘coerced’ consent and that to me opens up another much, much thornier area of consent being on the record: consent given under false pretenses by the consenter and then retroactively ‘revoked.’
No, it’s not legally binding necessarily. But in the BDSM communities there is a big…