
Homer admitted he is racking up quite the back balance which means he is taking more than he is giving.

It’s not only short sighted, it’s financially unrealistic. A huge portion of these “independent” people - especially those that are living in expensive cities like NYC, London, or Silicon Valley - have their parents foot the bill for a big chunk of their living expenses, even though they would rather die than admit


Or you can just scan everything and put in your Evernote or whatever note management thing you use.

You mean getting a certification that has nothing to do with your your job as a CPA is useless to advancing in your chosen field? Golly, you’re ever so smart. I bet your next nugget of wisdom is going to be that getting a plumbing diploma is also useless to your job as a CPA.

Actually, it is about calling someone a loser.

Certifications, experience, and all that - Not really worth that much

I would agree if this was the 1950s. But both housing and rent are obscene now, taking up a larger and larger portion of a person’s salary. This is true in the US, Canada, UK, etc.

Nice, send up but I wish we as a society would stop shaming people who live with their relatives/parents, as if it’s code for being a despondent layabout unemployed loser.

If you want more flavor out of your vegetables, buy organic or plant your own. The biggest reason vegetables taste terrible is because they taste of pesticides and herbicides.

The saddest part of all this is that there are 15,000 journalists at the convention, 6 per delegate, and the only “stories” being reported are evident ones people can see from looking at the Youtube stream of the RNC.

Homeschooled kids test higher?

Spending a day with a med student is not “learning” as most people understand the term.

It’s easy to understand once you realize that Jezzies are rich bisches who tell themselves they care because they go volunteer for and hour or two at Thanksgiving and Christmas at the local homeless shelter.

The “magical thinking” I am referring to is primarily focused on the implied multiplier effect for government spending the singular macroeconomic model

The problem with people like you is not that you disagree with Jill Stein (or whoever).

Then you can disagree with her without lying about her views. Curiously, you’re not doing that.

How is anything in her statement vague? Every one of those sentences is factually true.

I have searched on Google and even Reddit for claims that she has said ANYTHING against vaccines.

Can you point to Stein’s saying she’s anti-vaxx?