
We are so wrapping ourselves in the safety blanket of the corporatist/globalism message of the past 30 years aren’t we? It’s the path to Rio. It really is. You’ll be safe for another 10 - 15 years, then good luck.

Yes he would have and yes it does.

I used to do all my house cleaning on a single day of the week. Or at least that was the plan. Spoiler alert - it didn’t work out.

My new plan is to split up the house work Monday-Thursday, with Friday reserved for mowing the yard and cleaning the car. I set a timer for 20 minutes and whatever I don’t get done I

Yes, just ignore the Democratic party’s shitty security practices amirite? There is far more important info there than someone’s campaign contribution.

You guys seriously ran out of stuff to write about?

I think there are a lot of potential roles for Felines in the new Catministration:

What, you think a cat would make a better VP? I can see it now: mid-debate it can come over and knock everything off of Pence’s podium, then go back to smugly licking itself.

Agree. I doubt there would be any criticism if this was GOP-centric.

Too bad they didn’t do this for the GOP and reveal their donors because that would have been ok!

I think the moment that you adopt an editing policy on these sort of leaks, you enter into some very dangerous waters (not that releasing confidential information isn’t already dangerous...).

I’m not sure Gawker should be calling anyone who publishes personal information a “dickhead” as you really don’t have a leg to stand on in that argument.

“Look at that bunch of musk over there.” “Herd.” “Heard of what?” “Musk.” “Sure I’ve Heard of Musk.” “No, no, no, a musk herd!” “What do I care what a Musk Heard? I’ve got no secrets from a Musk!”


This makes me extremely sad, since I was ecstatic when I saw MacNicol’s name on the list and I prayed he would get the award too because he made me wet myself laughing. He was brilliant.

I actually had an opposite experience with credit cards. I was very much opposed to credit cards, and exclusively used debit or cash until I was out of college. I graduated in 09, but soon found out it was actually difficult to get a credit card after I ignored all the ones they tried to send me in college. I had no

But I am a layabout despondent unemployed loser!

I honestly don’t understand your point. Going out there and doing it all by yourself makes you awesome and therefore the only way to be awesome is to go out there and do it yourself? I fail to see how, but if that’s what makes you feel better and you measure your self worth, go for it! Personally, I find the

Like I said before I’ve lived by myself and it isn’t some sort of utopia as you make it out to be. If you had to move out and live by yourself before you learned how to pay bills and learn how to take care of yourself by yourself then you failed at being a teenager and your parents were shitty parents.