
McCraken? Come on, that can’t be her real name.

The OP isn’t bitching about the past.

How are they off topic when the criticism of Sanders’s group is that he is not donating to NGOs and only donating to political campaigns?

I agree, and what better way to ensure that safety net by keeping rep that actively supports the expansion of the payday loan industry in those poor communities.

She has never faced a challenge from another Dem for that seat. That is the issue, and why she has a problem with Canova running.

Or Hillary can take that job instead. She’s donated less than 10% of her haul to downballot races. Despite her claims to the contrary, she has not donated any significant amounts to downballot races, or real charities at all - $200,000 over a period of 8 years is shameful.

There’s “no beef” yet you just finished implying that in endorsing Clinton he and getting involved in the DNC platform committee he backstabbed the DNC.

So instead of donating money to candidates who can affect political change, your beef is that he’s not donating money to non-political organizations that have no political power?

Negotiating the DNC platform is “holding them up”? Get the fuck outta here.

It’s not just that they’re registered lobbyists and big time donors.

How is she “highly popular” if she won elections by default since nobody challenged her?

You mean he’s supposed to take a position that Hillary herself and the DNC doesn’t support?

Name one thing he could do right by you.

Kind of? The twit has kept her seat uncontested since the mid 90s and now that she actually has to face an opponent, she whines that people are out to get her.

What are grassroots candidates, if not “long shots” by definition?

Come off it, no matter what he does, you hate his guts. He can do no right by you.

Kids in public schools are left on their own, at recess and many other group activities.

I think it’s great your wife homeschools your kids.

“Slow strolling”? I dunno about that.

Annoy enough people by pointing your phone in their direction and they might just start chasing you down the street. A sensible 4mph is more realistic.

No one is asking you to “like it”.