
It’s not just that they’re registered lobbyists and big time donors.

How is she “highly popular” if she won elections by default since nobody challenged her?

You mean he’s supposed to take a position that Hillary herself and the DNC doesn’t support?

Name one thing he could do right by you.

Kind of? The twit has kept her seat uncontested since the mid 90s and now that she actually has to face an opponent, she whines that people are out to get her.

What are grassroots candidates, if not “long shots” by definition?

Come off it, no matter what he does, you hate his guts. He can do no right by you.

Kids in public schools are left on their own, at recess and many other group activities.

I think it’s great your wife homeschools your kids.

“Slow strolling”? I dunno about that.

Annoy enough people by pointing your phone in their direction and they might just start chasing you down the street. A sensible 4mph is more realistic.

No one is asking you to “like it”.

Or the saner explanation is that they wear removable veneers because you’d have to be a moron to get permanent ones.

There’s nothing amazing about it. She’s a bad candidate.

It’s aimed at dumb people who care about some has been celebrities.

Hot take.

Wait until you get sick and then watch how fast your demand for non-rib amenities goes up.

Pretty sure most people would miss their job/career.

Not all painter’s tape is created equal.

Maybe you need a refresher on the fact that Marty Singer and Bill Cosby are two different people, and when Cosby is lying it doesn’t automatically mean that Singer is lying as well.

What dishonest statements has he made? Zero.