
Malpractice and ethics violations are not per se, illegal.

There is nothing appalling in his methodology.

No, he’s not an asshole for doing his job.

Make rules =/= ask why or ask his ex-girlfriend about it

He does not owe you an explanation, and it’s unbelievably arrogant of you to think that you deserve one.

That’s not how plea deals work.

There was no original charge. You can’t say that you’re enrolling in the army to avoid charges against you.

Who else can afford to work for minimum wage in DC?

Caucasian = people from the Caucasus

Kudos to you for at least admitting the double standard that posting PP address is not okay yet posting Pence’s address is okay. PP does not “deserve” to be harassed by the taxpaying American public yet Pence does “deserve” to be harassed.

Is the American taxpayer not supposed to know where Planned Parenthood offices are in Ohio? They get taxpayer funds, too.

I’m not the one posting people’s addresses online.

No, what’s offensive is playing dumb as to this person’s intentions. If she wanted people to contact him, she would have posted a phone number or an email address.

If this person wanted people to just contact Pence, they would have posted a phone number or an email address.

Yes, you are the problem because you are divisive and insulting.

Just because they’re not vocal about it doesn’t mean that they don’t care.

The only reason you think it’s “weird” is because you’re not interested in convincing people to your point of view. Participating in a self-congratulatory circle jerk is not something to be proud of.

How convenient and credible for you, anonymous internet poster.

Okay then post the address of where you work.

I don’t care that it’s his office address. His constituents can look him up if they’re interested.