
I think he’s pathologically addicted to having people hate him. Daddy issues, for sure. I’d ask my dad about it because he had the same affliction, but he’s dead. More times than not I think he passed it on to me, as well. Any problems with that, go fuck yourselves, you terrible bunch of assholes.

“He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a slimy con man.”


“This doesn’t offend me.”

They nailed the color scheme

That would allow for some sweet Jumbo-tron intros.

“What an amazing tribute.” - Dan Snyder

Recommended replacement:

Another horrible example for America’s youth, when will people finally learn to hold their phone properly while shooting video? smdh

You might say Ready wasn’t...

For pretty much everything.

But not the upside down part of the Southern Hemisphere.

You suck

The Australians are simply used to their toilet water draining the opposite way down the walls.

What are they complaining about? The toilet’s output goes right into the sailing and swimming venues.

You’d think the mayor would appreciate somebody who didn’t dwell on Rio’s problems.

Really do recommend that people read the whole message. It really is incredulous.

At least you get the president referred to by his name. Half the shit I see talks about some guy named ‘Barry’ who runs the ‘Democrat’ party.

My Uncle Mike scoffs at this bush-league bigotry, it doesn’t even reference “the coloreds” or “the orientals”, and there is no 3 paragraph diatribe about “Barack HUSSEIN Obama” taking away his guns.

I disagree 100% with that email, but if it’s worse than things your uncles (Chuck or otherwise) post on Facebook, you’ve got some pretty tame uncles.