
Seems like they disavowed Trump faster than he disavowed David Duke.

The GOP can’t get their own music, they can’t get their own clothing, they can’t get their own speeches. Embarrassing.

Where would the Kardashians seat Brody Jenner and Blac Chyna?

You sick fuck!

TSA would never allow it, considering the number of movies that bomb at the box office anymore.

I’ll see myself out.

Capri pants for dudes should never be okay.

Are any of the Duggers there? You could borrow something "modest".

Well yeah Hillary Clinton and Billy Clinton. Not so shocking at all.

You could also use it as a weird cult identifier, like "young Jenny was cast from the fold when she appeared with a clam brand instead of the socially acceptable hot dog, it was clear she had been fraternizing with OTHERS"

coming out of somewhere

I think it’s more likely that she bought a bunch of beach/seaside themed wine tokens and put them in a new package.

No, that second one is a clit ring.

So it’s knockoff Monopoly tokens with holes dremeled through them and then stuck on unbent paper clips.

sounds like less blood than the ensuing aftermath of grabbing the wrong towel, though

I refuse to believe that anyone actually buys this shit. I can’t accept a reality in which people affix pewter charms to their towels.

Also, in 2000 (nearly a half a century after a landmark study established the link between cigarettes and lung cancer), he wrote: “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.” He has repeatedly slashed smoking cessation programs and takes money

This is Deadspin...there’s even fucking Truther Truthers.

Always twitter truthers

The letters scrawled with the pencil tool in MS Paint make this better than I could have imagined. The three letter “a”s being a, A, and o are all perfect.